Love and Consequences

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Karri's POV:
I couldn't believe that this was Chase's friend, who would attack their friend like that? I was almost in tears when I saw how much he had hurt Chase, when I went after him, I knew I had to stop him and fast because he was leaving a trail of blood behind him. I eventually caught up with him and he was crying even harder than he was before. I helped bandage him up and he asked me if he would see out of his left eye again. I said, "It depends, if he penetrated your eye, then you may not but if he didn't, you should be fine. But either way, it's going to leave a scar." He said, "I hate Marshall, I can't believe he would do that to me. I don't want to see any of them again."

Meanwhile Back in Adventure Bay...
Ryder's POV:
"Ok Marshall what happened when you found him?" Marshall said, "He first yelled at me and called me a bad friend, and then we got into a fight." Everyone gasped and yelled, "WHAT!" "Ya we got into a fight and then he ran off." Everyone was in utter shock and disbelief that the two best friends of the group were in a physical fight. Skye started tearing up as she heard what had happened and she began crying into Zuma's shoulder as they heard the tragic news. Marshall then said, "There's another thing too, Chase met another pup. he has been traveling with it from what it looks like."
Chase's POV:
When Karri finished helping me cover my cuts, we bagel to settle down for the night. When we finished eating, it was passed dark, so we decided to go to sleep. it was cold that night and Karri was shivering in her sleep, I couldn't let her stay like that, so I asked her if she wanted to sleep with me, surprisingly, it took her no time to say yes. As we huddled together, I realized how soft her fur was, she was so warm I soon felt myself nuzzling into her.

Karri's POV:
I was almost squealing when Chase asked me if I wanted to sleep with him, as we were sleeping I could feel Chase nuzzle into me. I felt myself blush when this happened. I'm going to admit this to myself, I have a huge crush on Chase.

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