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"I've always been aroused by good penmanship. I suppose I'm a little bisexual in that respect." Martin said.

Malcolm made a face of disagreement at the absurdity of his comment. "No, you're not. And I don't think you even know what bisexual means."

"I was only making a joke, my boy." He chuckled. "Tough crowd, huh? And I believe you are bisexual?"

Malcolm was taken aback by his father's speculation. "Yes, but that's not-"

"Important? It is to me, now-"


"Claire." He corrected.

Malcolm huffed in annoyance. "Claire, we need to focus on the task at hand."

Martin shook his head, chewing the food he had in his mouth, and with a mouthful, said, "Not until you answer some of my questions."

Malcolm looked around and spoke in a lowered voice. "I am not talking about my sexuality with my father."

"Partner. I'm Claire, remember?" He smiled. "Please, I will let it go if you just answer my questions."

Malcolm sighed. He was going to regret doing this, he knew it, but if he didn't get this over with, time would be wasted.

Martin took his son's silence as an answer. "Who was your awakening?"

He furrowed his brows. "My what?"

"You know, like your gay awakening?"

Malcolm barked out a laugh at the absurdity of the conversation. "I'm not answering that."

"Malcolm." He tapped his wrist as if to indicate that time was ticking.

Malcolm rolled his eyes, accepting his fate. He said a simple name in response, "Vijay Chandasara."

At this, Martin's eyes lit up. "Your old pal from Boarding school? The one you worked with a few months ago?"

"Yes, now-"

"I always knew you had a thing for him." He smiled. "Did you two date?"

Malcolm sighed, growing more annoyed by the second. "Yes, when we were in boarding school."

"So you knew you were bisexual since then?" He continued to prod.

"Well, I identify as Biromantic Asexual, but yeah, I've known since then."

The Surgeon raised his eyebrows at the information. "So, you only like men and women romantically?"


Martin smiled, wanting nothing more, but to sit spend more quality time with him like this. "I'm so glad we're bonding, my boy. It's all a father could dream of."

Malcolm hated to admit it, but he was enjoying being with his father, despite being annoyed by his vexing questions. He had always dreamed of this, spending time with him in a world where he wasn't a killer. Particularly as a kid, something so improbable given the concoctions of his father's twisted mind.

Malcolm moved in, whispering, "Need I remind you that I am wanted because you, a narcissistic psychopath serial killer, basically kidnapped me? Oh, and don't forget that you're supposed to be back at Claremont., Claire."

Martin's face fell as Malcolm uttered those words, rendering him speechless.

"Let's just get this over with. What else do you want to ask me?"

Martin cleared his throat, seemingly displeased with his reaction, and his appetite gone. "That's all. Let's get on with the case, Cameron."

Bi Malcolm Bright oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now