I finally made it to Russia, the problem wasn't getting to Russia no, no it was finding where the Red Room set up shop,
I have been tracking down every lead but no one seems to have heard of that organization,
I am currently perched on a high building, the moonlight shinning down on the streets, I was at a loss right now,
I sighed as I stood crouched on the building,
That was until someone landed behind me,
I slowly turned around, seeing Tasha,
"Really following me to Russia now your becoming obsessed," I said
"Please I'm not the one taking down each Red Room assassin that you cross paths with," She said walking towards me,
"What can I say it's a very prestige line of work, people to interrogate, people to kill, you know very busy," I said
"No your on a war path," She said
"Right because you haven't been in this position before," I said shaking my head,
"Yes I have, I get it, and yes I've made mistakes but this..." She said motioning to me,
"This is not the way to do it," She said
"Then what is the way? run? like you did? Like I've always done," I said as I circled her,
"All my life all I've done is run, run to the kill, run from my past, run from them, but guess what I'm done running, it's about high time I use that to my advantage," I said darkly
"You go down this path there is no coming back from it, you kill them that makes you no better than them," She said
"Are you really lecturing me on this?" I said with sarcasm
"After all the lives you took, the revenge you sought out?" I said glaring at her,
"Yeah, I've seeked revenge but revenge doesn't change anything! all it does is leave a hole you can't fill, a darkness," She said
"You really think I don't have darkness, Tasha I have so much hate that I don't know what to do with, so I think it's a little late for that," I said glaring at her,
"Yes you hate but you do this, there is no going back, the darkness will only grow," She said
I wavered for a moment,
"Jax just come home with me, I promise I won't do what I did years ago, I won't abandon you, I promise," She said holding her hand out
I looked at her extended hand, then looked at her pleading eyes,
"Sorry Tasha but I have to do this," I said about to leave my back turned,
"So do I.." She whispered
Suddenly a metal arm wrapped around my throat, I started struggling but he was to strong,
"What are you doing!" I said in a panic
"Protecting you from yourself," Tasah said standing in front of me,
"I don't need protecting!" I said
"Yes, you do and I'm going to keep you safe this time even if it's from yourself," She said
Next thing I know she jabs a needle in my neck,
"You bit-" I began and everything went dark,
I see Jax body go limp, Barnes caught her,
"Thanks for the help," I said
"No problem, but we better get back to the tower before she wakes up," He said
I nodded and with that we walked back to the jet,

Avengers Always Running
FanfictionJaxon Hale, thirteen, quick, yet deadly, she was introduced to this curl life when she was only four, She was brought to the Red room, trained top of her class, Quick reflexes, fast, quiet, ruthless, Cunning, and angry, She escaped, but with a pr...