A/N plus Background Info!

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Hey y'all! Long time no see!

Sorry for being gone for so long, but life and school have been taken up most of my time. But hey, I met some really great friends while I was gone and started my very own twitch channel :)

Anywho, with some of my personal stuff aside, I have decided to rewrite "Once Bitten, Twice Shy". I just didn't like where it was going and i was having a really hard time to be able to write more on it (especially with the fight scene that I procrastinated on for so long XD).

However, I am very excited for this rewrite, as it's going to have it's own unique themes and such.

With that being said, lets talk about this theme I have planned ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

AU Idea!!!!!!

So, the idea i have right now is a Flower AU where the petal colors change on your feelings (I'm debating whether or not to keep it as just severe feelings or just all feelings in general, but I might just keep it to all of the feelings and make it easier.)

Also, this is the very first time I'm writing something like this, so please bare with me.

I'll do my best to explain, but basically every person on the earth has a flower (and yes, this book is going to be based in the 18th century, but I kind of want to branch off in a different direction than other books) and their flower blooms around the time they meet their soulmate (so i guess this is a soulmate au, but I'm hoping to make it a good fanfic).

Anyways, the flowers will be roses (hence the name of the book), but i might do some more branching out with flowers in one shots, who knows. The petals will determine how you feel (which, again, you can only see the petals when they bloom, which is when you find your soulmate) and your flower will die once your soulmate passes away, and it's a painful process once it dies and falls off.

But yeah, this is basically what i have as of now. I'll be writing everything soon! I only have the first two chapters plus the prologue done, but I'm going to slowly publish them over time.

I'm so excited for you guys to read it, and I really hope you all will like it!

I hope everyone has a great day/night,


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