Ahhhh 😟

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Before I start I just want to ask for idea because I'm not very creative, I'll even credit you for the idea for the next chapters thank you.

Btw I think maybe the song deja vu by oliva Rodrigo kinda fits this chapter soooo idk

After the whole thing with the hot aunt from Big Hero Six and Gene and Y/N they were living their happy life at home with their new kids, they just love kids so they keep having more.

"Bye!" Called Gene as he went out to work while at home taking care of the new babies 🥺

It was a good life so far, I had a grunge against hot aunts cause of what happened last time 💔 but j knew Gene would never cheat on me.

When it was finally time for Gene to come back home from work, if you didn't know me and Gene both worked at the phone but since I was taking care of the babies 😰👶 someone substituted for me.

But anyway it was around the time Gene was coming home from work, but if I'm being honest he always stays for the after party 😫😫😫 like the hot guy he is.

I was getting impatient, it was exactly 2 minutes over the time that he was supposed to come home

Thoughts surrounded my head... and not good thoughts


What if he got lost
What if someone mugged him
What if
What if
What if..

I got tired of those 5 minutes of waiting for him to go home.

I threw my 5 babies into their cribs, put tinfoil in the cribs so they wouldn't escape and then I got my keys and got into my Lamborghini car that Meh bought me 🤩🤩🤑🤑🤑🥶

I drove as fast as I could only running over 3 people 🤪🤪🤪 super quirky of me 🤪🤪🤪 lol I'm so cool and Quirky and different

Anyway as I was driving to the phone I slammed the door open everyone was leaving expect for the people staying for the after party.

I looked around and then got to the door thing for the party I told them I was Gene'a significant other... to be honest I don't even i don't even think me and Meh are married.


Anyways as I got into the party I was looking around and................
I saw him...
Kissing another women.....

(I just want to say look at the song I'm listening too, sorry I just thought it kinda fit)

(I just want to say look at the song I'm listening too, sorry I just thought it kinda fit)

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(Ignore the AirPod name, I'm using someone else's AirPods)

My heart sank, I wanted to scream, sob, but no I did something better

While Gene and the women were still making out I realized that it was an aunt cause I knew her niece.

That made me even angrier towards hot aunts so I did the only acceptable thing... I SANG

I got up onto the table, people DIDNT notice until I started singing the most beautiful song, It warmed people's ears.

As I was on the table I started screaming out of my lungs the song... fight song ❤️


Gene and the women also turned around to look at me wondering what that beautiful song was coming from.

I finished the song and everyone yelled and cheered and was complimenting me as I was walking out then I hear someone call from behind me


I turn around and saw Gene but not the women.

"W-W-W-W-W-WHAt!!!" I saw yelling at him

He looks down and then up and says, " I PROMISE TO YOU IT ISNT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE I ONLY LOVE YOU!!!"

My heart flushed

AAWWWWW 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

"Wait so, you aren't cheating?" I ask

"No" Gene says obviously lying but I don't care, I love him to much so I didn't notice him lying.

" ok then 😊 let's go home, I just realized we aren't even married yettt so, LETS DO SOLE PLANNING UWU🥰🥰🥰🥰" I say

The end... get ready for the wedding chapter 🤪🤪🤪😜😌😌😌😖😖😖😫😫😫😫😏😏😏

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