Chapter 1

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Ok. A little introduction and explanation of this story.
It's a SOULMATE AU (further dynamics will be explained)
In this, Kiyoomi also lives Hyōgo but Atsumu and Kiyoomi don't meet just yet since they don't go to the same school.


In his dreams
Chapter 1
Atsumu's POV

Since we were children, mother and father had always told us stories about their childhood and how they met. Me and Samu would always laugh at our parent's playful banter as we hugged the pillows close to our chest. You see, when we turned 18, we would have a dream where we meet our soulmates. Most of us had them but if you didn't, then there would not be a dream. Unfortunately, most of us forget who we meet in our dreams or just don't know who they are. That's what happened to our parents.

"Ya forgot me!" My father exclaimed dramatically while my mother shook her head at his dramatic antics. "I was 18!" My mother retorted as she pouted, shoulder slumping. "But ya still forgot me!" My father mimicked my mother's actions with earned him a slap on the back before me and my twin giggled. "But dad. Ya still found each other!" I reasoned. My mother smiled victoriously as she placed her hands on her hips. "See! Even our baby agrees!" She grinned widely as our father fainted betrayal. "Yer supposed to be on my side Tsumu!" He said as his hand stayed put on his chest. Samu laughed beside me before allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder. "He's not wrong dad." Samu replied for me as I leaned onto him, his arms coming around to rest on my shoulder. "Ya too? Ya hurt me Samu." Our father sighed in defeat as our mother laughed. "They're right." Our mother smiled before pulling father into a hug, pressing a light kiss to his cheek. "Ewww! Mom! Dad! Get a room!" I shouted as I turned to block my vision at the crook of Samu's neck while he turned his head to bury it in my hair. Our parents whined as refused to look back at them.

That was a few years ago, 7 years to be exact. It was currently 11:30PM on October 4th. 30 minutes before our birthday. 30 minutes before we turned 18. 30 minutes before our soulmates were revealed. We knew what to expect since our parents had explained it to us but it was still nerve racking.

We would have 1 dream about our soulmate when we turned 18 and when we actually met them, our world would get more vibrant. It never made sense to us since we didn't think our world was dull in any way but we never questioned it.

"Hey Samu?" I asked as my eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. A soft hum was all I got in response so I continued. "Will anything be different once we find out who our soulmates are?" I added. Worry and confusion swam in my mind and I was sure Samu could hear it as well. After a bit, there was no response so I took it that Samu had already fallen asleep and so I shifted slightly to get more comfortable. "No." He said, loud and clear in the quiet night. "Huh?" My eyes shot open at the sudden reply. "No. Nothings gonna change Tsumu." With that, I began to calm down, mumbling a soft "thanks" that I wasn't sure if he heard before drifting off to sleep, allowing fate to pull me along my timeline.


My eyes shot open and I was met with an unfamiliar scenery. It was beautiful. I sat on a large rock, giving me a clear view of the vast ocean, the clear waters clashing against the rocks that blocked its way, glistening in the setting sun. I turned my head to see a slightly open door and a moving figure. As my vision cleared, I saw a tall man, presumably taller than I was, walking towards me before sitting down. He looked beautiful. Absolutely ethereal. "Huh?" I questioned as I couldn't take my eyes off the man. He turned to me and smiled. His dark midnight eyes staring back at me as glints of hazel peeked through thanks to the sunlight. Now that he was closer, I could properly analyse his sharp features. He had a sharp nose, high cheekbones, a strong jawline that was all lined with porcelain skin. His curls perfectly framing his face as a stray hair fell between his eyebrows. His fringe was swept to one side, leaving his twin moles on complete display above his right eyebrow.


And his voice. It was deep and slightly raspy. I shook myself out of my daze and replied the man. "Hm?" The nameless man smiled as he raised a hand to sweep a stray hair away from my eye, lightly kissed my forehead before settling back down beside me. "The view really is beautiful isn't it?"

My eyes shot open as I sat up, breathing heavily, sweating hands digging into my sheets as my blanket pooled at my waist. The unknown man's voice replayed in my mind as my cheeks flushed crimson red.

Who was that...

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