Chapter 01

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〚January 10, 2013.〛

The day came to noon, the time when the Seoul Ferry boarded hundreds of passengers from young to old to travel to Busan. The boat horn rang loud enough to be heard from miles away to indicate to other boats on the dock that the ferry was about to move, the ferry started its engine and off it went to sail through the ocean. 

Waves were crashing on the sides of the ferry as the heavy boat glided through the surface of the water, children were watching with fascinated expressions as the waves kept crashing onto the windows, adults were pointing out all the beautiful things about the ocean to their children, every single passenger from young to old were beyond excited to arrive to Busan.  

Seconds and minutes passed by quickly, soon the ferry trip was 20 minutes in from the time the ferry sailed off the dock. Children were now sleeping peacefully on their parents' lap, while adults tried their best to keep themselves together as they got more seasick as the waves grew higher and stronger rocking the boat side to side. Although, everyone still enjoyed the trip and was looking forward to disembark.

Every passenger on the ferry was peaceful until the ferry horn blasted 5 honks throughout the ship. The passengers started to panic as they got told beforehand that if the horn blasted 5 honks, it signals danger. Adults woke up their children frantically and grasped them close to their bodies protecting them. Some children were crying due to fear whilst their parents attempted to calm them down. 

"All passengers please immediately evacuate to the deck of the ferry to disembark on an emergency life-boat. Please stay calm." The captain spoke through the speaker warning all the passengers to stay calm in a dangerous situation they weren't aware about until then. 

108 passengers got up from their seats with their children in hand and rushed to the top deck to evacuate safely on the life boats but out of those 108 passengers, 13 were forced to stay behind due to figuring out that there was 10 zombies in the ferry. Those 13 passengers consisted of 7 boys and 6 girls. No one knew where they came from or how they got on the ferry, so the captain made a decision to evacuate as fast as possible. 

The 13 passengers that were left with the zombies had 2 choices. The choices were either evacuate with the other passengers to safety or stay behind and fight. The 13 passengers knew that if they evacuated the zombies would have an advantage to spread throughout Seoul. So, being logical they decided to stay behind because they weren't going to let an apocalypse destroy their home and they had no choice but to, the other passengers including the crew already evacuated and left. 

The 13 passengers were left on the middle deck of the ferry and the 10 zombies were not in sight, they looked at one another with concerned expressions deciding whether or not they should search for the zombies but they were hesitant as they were bare-handed; they held no weapons.

The 13 passengers got caught off guard as the sound of glass shattering was heard from the back of the ferry, they immediately put all their attention to the one door at the back since it was the only way to enter the middle deck. They listened carefully and heard soft mumbling from the other side of the door, they couldn't quite figure out what the sound was. That was until the door busted open to reveal the 10 zombies who were standing in front of them growling with their mouths wide open getting ready to rip off their flesh. 

 "Oh shit," one out of the 7 boys exclaimed, "Run to the top deck! Get to the helm!"

The boy dashed for the stairs, soon getting followed by the other 12 passengers whom were getting chased by the 10 zombies. The 13 rushed up the stairs and managed to reach the top deck but the zombies followed behind. One of the girls blocked the stairway by barricading the door with her body weight to slow down the zombies until the others could find a way to escape, but the zombies were much stronger than her and managed to make her stumble. 

"I don't think I can hold this for much longer!" one of the girls yelled, as she tried her best to barricade the door as long as she could. One of the boys decided to help and ran up to the door barricading it with his whole body weight too. Although, the boy was taken back since he didn't expect the zombies to be that strong. 

"Jungkook-ah! Whatever you're trying to do, do it faster!" the boy warned the other boy at the helm who was trying to start the engine. Jungkook started to sweat, there were so many buttons and levers on the helm; he didn't know what to push. Jungkook took a lucky guess and pulled the biggest lever and to everyone's surprise the engine started, he grabbed the wheel and turned it to the other side making the ferry turn to the right. 

Jungkook looked out and saw an island, he then thought of an idea. Since he knew that zombies can't survive in water, he thought that he would kill the zombies a different way. He turned the ferry to the right facing the island leaving a gap so that water could flow in between the boat and the sand. 

He stopped the engine by pulling on the lever and warned the others, "Guys, get ready to jump off the side of this boat and you two get ready to run from the door!" He looked to the side, finding the right moment. "Okay on 3! 1.. 2.. 3!" 

11 of them jumped off from the side of the boat but 2 were still remaining barricading the door. The 2 looked at each other a nodded, they took a breath in and ran straight for the side of the boat. The zombies managed to break through and chase after them, the 2 hoisted themselves up the side and leaped onto the sand. The 10 other zombies jumped after them but went straight into the sea water and burnt. 

The 13 passengers panted heavily and collapsed onto the gritty sand due to exhaustion from running away. They looked at the dead and burnt bodies of the 10 zombies remaining and sighed, they did not expect for the ferry trip that started as fun to end like this. 

"What the hell did we just go through?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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