flower boy

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Harry looked up from the flowers he was arranging as the door opened, the bell ringing to signal the presence of
someone entering

He raised his eyebrows as the shorter figure stormed up to the counter, slamming a £20 note down. "How do I passive aggressively say fuck you' in flowers?"

"Um, well orange lillies represent hatred, and yellow carnations for disappointment and foxgloves for insincerity-"

"Right, well do that then. How much will that be?"

"How big do you want the bouquet?

"Cheapest price, can't be arsed with spending money on them."

"Um that will be £15."

"15 quid! Jesus Christ." Louis groaned.

"I mean, you did put £20 down."

"Yeah but I was expecting it to be £5. I just happened to have a £20 note."

"Sorry." Harry apologised. "I know it's quite a lot but it's gotta be to get enough money from the job."

"It's fine." Louis huffed, "d'you know how long it'll take to do 'em?"

"Um, I'm not very busy today so I can get them done by the end of the hour probably."

"Cool. I'm not going back out into that storm so I'm gonna be keeping you company it seems. What's your name?"

"Harry. Harry Styles. What's yours?"

"Louis Tomlinson, nice to meet you."

"So...who are the flowers for?"

"My ex."

"God what did they do?"

"Umm, so she found out I was bi, which I had already told her actually, and then freaked out, said it was gross and
expected me to apologize and yeah. So it's a massive 'fuck you' to her."

"She sounds like a complete and utter bitch." Harry muttered, beginning to snip of any unnecessary leaves.

"She is. Dunno what I saw in her. I hope that every guy she's ever into isn't opposed to dating men. I mean, men are hot."

"Mhm." Harry mumbled in agreement as he stuck his tongue out, concentrating on laying the flowers out. "They are."

"That's a bit gay." Louis chuckled, Harry looking up with a smirk.

"Is it?"

"Just a bit. You're very skilled with your hands." Louis observed.

"I used to be good at woodwork in school." Harry replied, continuing to smirk.

"What else are they good for?"

Harry didn't answer, instead refocusing on the flowers.

"Do you want a note with these?" Harry asked, diverting the conversation.


"No extra charge." Harry added.

"In that case absolutely."

"What do you want it to say?"

"Dear homophobic bitch, here are these flowers as a 'fuck you' gift. Lots of love, Louis. With three kisses."

"Right. Do you wanna write it or me?"

"Definitely not me, she wouldn't be able to read it. And you seem like the type to have little cute fairy handwriting."

"What makes you say that?"

"The outfit, the pearls, the painted nails, the eye makeup. You look proper pretty."

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