Yandere Sabo x Voluptuous Reader

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-Request Number: 5

the person who requested this chapter said they preferred to stay anonymous and ill respect that fully. thank you so much for the request love! i really hope you enjoy reading it <33

She's mine. Only mine

To me being pretty wasn't always easy, fun or enjoyable. Sure there were certain times where I would admit I enjoyed the attention but being the most gorgeous woman in the area I lived in wasn't something I asked for.

Sweat ran down my face as I ran and ran away from the soldiers from Tequila Wolf. The soldiers had gotten tired of hiding their lust and that got them to  knock down my door, claiming they wanted to do something fun.

"Hey! Stop running little lady! It'll be quick..", I heard one the soldiers call out, causing me to shiver.

"No way!", I yelled back, taking a look back to see disgustingly evil grins on the soldiers' faces as they licked their lips.

One of them got in front of me, blocking me from escape. I screamed, "Get the hell away from me!"

As they surrounded me, the smiles on their faces seemed to grow even wider somehow. "Yeah right! We won't leave till we have our fun!", they spoke back. Tears gripped at my eyes as I took a quick turn and ducked underneath one of their arms before running yet again.

After sprinting through the snow covered forest for so long I finally reached a dead end; A rock wall. I slowly turned around, backing up slowly, feeling the rock against my back. The soldiers walked towards me slowly, smiling disgustingly with lust in their eyes. Terror ran through me as I felt myself about to give up and surrender.

I couldn't do anything anymore.

As I closed my eyes tight and hoped that some kind of luck would scare them away, I heard a thud that sounded like it belonged to a pair of boots.

"Are you okay?", a man's voice spoke. I opened my eyes and infront of me stood a blonde haired man wearing a suit and a hat.

"Y-Yeah", I replied, feeling myself get relieved to know someone was helping, though I was unsure why this blonde would help.

The guy sighed in relief. He looked at the Tequila Wolf soldiers before telling them, "Leave this lovely lady alone. Or else.."

The words caused me to blush a little.

I then heard one of soldiers speak up, "Hey get lost. Can't you see we were about to have fun with that pretty lady?"

Those words caused a shudder to go through me as I tried to back up even more, only to realise I have backed up as much as I can.

I watched as the blonde haired man punched the guy who spoke up... with fire..?

"Woman... Oi! woman! Run over to that cave entrance. I'll handle them...", the blonde spoke, causing me to snap out of my small daze and widen my eyes. But I nod, running off to the cave entrance he pointed at.

.. .. .. .. ..

[Sabo's POV]

Once the lady left, I proceeded to beat the crap out of those soldiers. My fist aflame, I punched each one of their jaws till they could no longer speak. "You'll never touch her again..", I spoke lowly before ending their lives.

I then rushed to go make sure the lady was safe. Seeing her alright made me feel relieved, as I walked up to her. She let out a soft sigh before running upto me and holding my hand in hers. "A-Are you alright?", she asked softly, as she seemed to analyze me.

I took my other hand out and held her face gently, "Yeah. Don't worry."

She sighed before letting go of my hand and looking at the area we were in earlier. "Did you..?", she mumbled, causing me to nod slowly. She sighed again and seemed to force a smile, "Do you live far away? It's getting late, you could stay at my place for the night if you'd want to." 

"That would be lovely", I replied with a smile, following after her. A blush somehow found its place on my face as she let me inside her home. The place smelled so nice.. it smelled sort of like Lavender.

She asked me to sit down at her table as she cooked dinner. After sitting down, I finally proceeded to ask her what her name was.

"Hey um.. miss?", I called out loud enough for her to hear. She turned around swiftly and smiled, her beautiful features only now catching my eyes. This was the first time I've seen her happy.

"Hm?", she responded cutely, her eyes blinking as she tilted her head.

"May I ask your name?", I questioned, one of my hands finding its way to scratch the back of my neck. She let out a giggle.

"It's (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). And you?", her eyes now stared back at mine with more curiosity showing in them than before.

"You can call me Sabo."

.. .. .. .. ..

Once we had both finished the delicious ramen (Y/n) had made, I let out a loud burp and grinned as I wiped my face with a napkin. "Yeesh, Sabo. You're a messy eater...", (Y/n) commented as she let out a chuckle and took both of our plates to the sink.

I stared blankly at her as she finished washing our plates and returned only to tell me she'd come back real quick. She came back with a blanket and placed it down nicely on the couch. She then smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me along as she walked up the stairs.

"(Y/n)..? Where are you taking me?", I muttered as I followed behind her.

She blinked twice, "Oh! I'm taking you to my room. You can sleep there, I'll sleep on the couch for tonight."

This caused me to frown. "Nope, Can't let a woman as beautiful as you sleep on the couch", I shook my head.

Her eyes widened slightly and I could see her cheeks grow a slight pinkish colour. I smirked.

"W-Well then what would you suppose we-", before she could talk further I grabbed her arm and yoinked her into her bed with me. "Ah! Sabo?!", she yelled and blushed as she eyed me.

I blinked twice before sweatdropping. "Ah (Y/n) I'm so sorry!", I quickly got up and bowed slightly. Hearing (Y/n) laugh got me to relax a bit more.

"I-Its okay.. I'm fine with it actually, I mean... you seem to have good intentions. And I don't sense any kind of fault behaviour coming from you..", she spoke, her cheeks reddening as she finished.

I nodded softly, apologizing once more for my rudeness before softly laying down next to her.

As she started snoring, I smiled. (Y/n) was such a beauty. I reached forward and placed my lips on her neck, sucking on it lightly. I then leaned back and smirked as I looked at the mark I put on her. I closed my eyes and smiled as I thought of all the events that occurred today.

"She's all mine."

"She's mine. Only mine."


Total Number of Words: 1219
(Uploaded on June 2nd 2021

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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