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I was the doctor for OG and i knew what his sickness was.

I was also trying to find a match for him and out of nowhere i just thought what if i can examine Eve and see if she is a match.

I know she is young and needs her mums permition to be examined but i just want to know if she is a match and if she is im sure her mum will allow her to give a kidney to OG,because even though she was on a date with me i could still see that she loves OG.

"you wanna go take a tour at the hospital i work at?" I asked Eve.

"Oh thats cool lets go" she agreed.

And so we put on our clothes and went to the hospital.

We get to my office and she starts to look around and and touch stuff,other people would tell her to not touch but it doesnt really bother me. I have been thought that if ever a child is touching things let them do it cause then they learn if its dangerous or not.

"What is this?" She asked when she got to the machine that determines blood.

"Its a machine that gelps for knowing if you have the same blood as someone else" i replied.

She was still looking confused at the thing.

"Are you gonna put my blood in there?" She asked.

"Probably" i said.
"Do you have my dads blood?" She asked.

Where does that question come from?

"Mmm...no darling why is that?" I asked her.

"I wanna know if i have the same blood  as my dad" she said a bit sad.

"Oh well im sorry." I said.

"Its ok,but can please put my blood and see whos blood i match because i wanna see how it works" she said with the cute smile she has.

"Ok,darling" i said.

She started jumping.

I took everything i needed and i took her hand too and took her blood,she was just quiet untill she was the blood that was going into the injection.

"Thats cool,i never see that much blood,is more blood in my body?" She asked.

If it was a older person i would declare him or her as stupid but she was so cute.

"Yes you do" i said.

When i as done i tooke the blood and put it in the machine and OG's too,to see if she is a match,probably not because they do not at all have the same family DNA but its only a maybe.

And by that i mean that Hannah might or might not be OGs sister,so if she isnt this whole Eve test i definately screwed but if she is then Thank lord cause OG doesnt have to die.

And this test might even tell if Hannah and OG are sisters because why would the child be a match if she isnt family with him,you get it?if the child is not a match then they dont have the same DNA.

I dont even know why im trying to save his life,i gues that is what doctors do,but i kind of feel like its my responsibility,have you ever felt that way?

I took one more look at the machine and...................


I was just thinking things through.

Why doesnt hannah who is basically some kind of my twin doesnt want the dad to see the child?

I was still thinking untill my phone rang and i answered without looking at the caller ID

DR- hi its chris.
H-oh hi Doctor,what have you got on your mind?
DR-i've got your test results so if you would like to come in half an hour and get it?
H- yeah sure,thanks bye.

I hung up and texted hannah that she should get to the hospital with OG.

its time to know if OG is my brother.

At the hospital

I got the and found Oscar on the way,so i went with him and found OG,Hannah and Eve.

What was she doing here?oh yah she was with Chris and she was standing with chris.

Oscar just stood still and looked at the young girl,maybe he sees himself in her.

"Whos that?" Oscar asked "mm,maybe its chris child" i answered.

"You sure,because i preety much see myself in her" he said.

Yes,a father never forgets his blood.

"Just a coincindence" i said and  smiled.

"No dont lie to me,she is my daughter right?,she looks like me,i mean her teeth are squeu as mine her eyes her nose" he said.

"Ok oscar she is but just dont start because you know hannah" i said

"Ok fine but when we are done here,im going to hug the hell out of that girl,she is so beautifull" he said.

I ignored him and we got there.

"Good everyone is here plus one" the doctor said .

"Whata re you doing here?" Hannah asked oscar.

"I wanna meet OGs sister" he answered.

"Cute daughter you have there" oscar said to hannah.

"Oh shut up,she hasnt got it from you anyways" hannah said.

"Im standing here"Eve said.

I dont know if she understood that oscar was her dad.

"Ok so basically  i tested both girld blood to OGs and then to each other." He said

"So to each other you have 0% so you are definately nothing related" he said.

"To OG  Hannah you are not anything related to him but hanna you are 99.9% which is basically 100%,so you guys are siblings." He said.

OG is my brother,i dont really know what to say,i was speechless,just thinking of the fact that he has been looking for me non stop,he cares.

He came to me and hugged me so thight and long "happyly evevr after" evelina said.

And i smiled with tears in my eyes and  hannah had tears too.

"Congrats you found each other,but what does that make me?, i dont have a family,i dont know who my dad or mum or if i have a sister or brother?" She said with tears.

I went to hug her.

"I light not be you biological twin,but i still love you and im not moving with OG im gonna be here for you,ok" i said.

"Thanks hannah,im gonna go home now" she said.

"Come on Eve"she said and took her baby with her.

"I think i will go with you, so we can do something girly" i said and she  smiled a bit.

"Yes thanks for coming,i would like to talk to you OG alone" the doctor said and we went out and OG stayed.

"I found your match"  was the first thing he said when i sat down.

This was so long my fingers are tired.


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