The anomaly

458 11 1

Location Squad 10 Barracks
Time 8:00AM

Captain Hitsugaya: YN wake up! It's already 8 and you're still asleep!

YN: *groans* It's too early for all of this *yawns*.

Captain Hitsugaya: If you don't get up in the next 10 minutes I'm docking your pay.

This forced my eyes open, and I sprang right up out of bed. I saw my captain sitting there slightly irked at my laziness. He then sighed and began explaining that we had the work we have in store for us. For those who don't know squad 10 specializes in investigations. Anytime a new phenomenon in the world occurs we are the first to check it out and report back. It's work that perfectly suits me since I love the world of the living.

Captain Hitsugaya: There's something going on in the world of the living an anomaly, and not just anything but it's  a new type of creature harming human life in areas near and in the enriched spiritual zone karakura town. Mayuri Kurosutchi discovered it with the recorders he placed on his lower ranked squad members.

YN: And you want me to go investigate it right?

Captain Hitsugaya: Yes I would go too but the annual captains meeting is drawing near so I will have to attend that. I trust you will get this job done and not be lazy about it.

YN: Yeah Yeah I know captain. I'll get ready as soon as possible.

A small timeskip later
No ones POV

YN was ready to head to the world of the living. YN opened up a senkaimon that led outside of karakura town in a dense Forrest. It was daytime and he couldn't sense anything at first except for faint spiritual pressure coming from a couple humans not too far away. Since YN had no leads on what he was looking for he decided to go check it out.


After heading in the direction of where I felt the spiritual pressure I found a taisho era themed estate surrounded in some weird trees. Inside the middle of the estate there were 14 swordsmen all kneeling in front of someone who looked sick as his forehead was purple. I decided to land and see who they are.

???: Hello master it's good to see you are in good health.

???: Thank you Sanemi, now I want to start this meeting off by talking about our situation. As you are aware the demons did someth-

YN: Did you say demons!? I knew it investigating you people would lead me to something.

Everyone looked over at me shocked by how they couldn't detect my presence. They drew their swords in a defensive manner at me.

???: Who are you!

YN: I'm YN a soul reaper from squad 10 would you mind telling me who you all are.

???: We have no intention of telling you anything.

???: Leave here if you value your life.

YN: My my are you threatening me? With as weak as your spiritual pressure is I would have no trouble killing all of you here but It's not my job to harm humans.

???: You called us humans which means you aren't one so your a demon but how can you survive in the daylight?

YN: I just told you I'm a soul reaper I know nothing of these demons you talk about so how about you tell me everything you know about them.

???: HAHA Its no use talking to him any longer let's just cut him up!

The kid with the boar mask ran at me trying to slash me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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