Crystalline Wonders

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(She stands in middle of a snow-covered field, face turned toward the sky. Gentle flakes begin to fall, drifting down in lazy spirals. )

She stands ankle deep in the middle of a snow-covered field/a snowdrift, her face turned toward the sky. Powdery snow begins to fall, drifting down in lazy spirals. It falls faster now, fluffy flakes swirling in a downward descent. Those flakes turn to thick snow, hurrying to coat the earth. She looks on as the wind swirls snowflakes around her, obscuring some of her vision. The wind bellows at a unknown injustice, causing the icicle laden branches to groan and creak. Crystalline flecks now dot her face and she shivers. She gazes in wonder at the frozen landscape, shrouded in a snowy blanket. The snow descends faster and faster, concealing most of her surroundings and she turns to go. She slowly makes her way to the lone cabin at the edge of the field where a roaring fire and a warm cup of cocoa awaits her.

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