Chapter: 2- Origins Part 2

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In the hospital like house, we see Mikata in a white kimono as it was a bit lose showing some cleavage

Mikata- Where am I

" Cover up "

The man from before says as he was leaning against the wall, we loon at the man and see he was incredibly handsome, and had a bored expression basically the a Giyu of this time like

The man had grey eyes that were bland yet, mesmerizing, Mikata instantly covers her chest as a blush crosses hee face

Mikata- Ishi-Senpai why are you here

Ishi- Your crow told me you were fighting an Upper Moon, and didn't think to come call us first. Why

Mikata- I....I.....I thought of I killed the demon, I could become a Hashira like you

Ishi- You'll need more training, you are the second user of your family's Shadow Breathing

Mikata- And you the first, I can't live up to that

Ishi- Be patience, you have potential, and I know you can create something wonderful, just be prepared and learn more. Cause even if you kill am Upper Moon, you haven't reached the qualifications to be a Hashira

Mikata- Yes Senpai- Who's this

Ishi- That boy was with you last night, didn't want to leave your side. Nearly got killed by a demon

Mikata looks down as the boy as we see that she had grey eyes as well as they were lifeless, she was beautiful indeed, she stared at the boy as she had flashbacks of him

Mikata- You don't listen do you brat

She pets his head as his white hair is ruffled, as he wore a white kimono as well, Mikata raises the blanket she is in so the the boy can get in it two, the boy had bandages around his head and o his back as his neck hand bandages goes down into his clothes

Ishi- They say the boy is healing fast while you need two days, what you thought was a scratch, was actually a stab into ans important organ

Mikata- I see

She partly ignores Ishi as she continues focusing on the boy

Mikata- Do you know his name

Ishi- Yeah, he was a boy who lived in a wealthy family he knows that much, but is too young to remember his last name

Mikata- His name

Ishi- He said his name was Ryōiki

Mikata- Ryōiki Yokubōbami

Ishi- Don't tell me you are gonna adopt

Mikata- Why not

Ishi- You can barely look after yourself let alone someone else

Mikata- Who else

Ishi- Any one

Mikata- I'm keeping him

Ishi- He's not a thing to keep, he's-

Ryōiki- Mama

Mikata- Hmm?

Ishi- No

Ryōiki- Oh, you're not mama, but you are th kind lady

Mikata- Yes, and I'll be your new mama

Ishi- No you won't

Ryōiki- New mama?

Mikata- Yes I'll do everything your mama did, but I'll do it my way, I won't ever replace you mama

Ishi- This is moving too quick, you just meet him, his parents just died, and this is just the second chapter

Mikata- So?

Ishi- You can't be moving this fast, he needs time to-

Ryōiki- Yay!!! A new mama

Mikata- See

Ishi- Fine, fuck it take care of the child, if anything happens to it, that's on you

Mikata- Fair point

Mikata makes a big smile that cause Ishi to smile a bit as he leaves the room, Mikata looks at Ryōiki and pushes his hair back as we see he has purple eyes with violet pupiles

Mikata- So Ryōiki, welcome to your new family. I'll take care of you, make you strong, make you a real man

Ryōiki- If I became a man can I be like you and that the man who was in this room

Mikata- What do you mean

Ryōiki- Can I create those weird abilities like how you made that attack that had that black stuff and made that black orb, while he controlled sand

Mikata- Oh our breathing techniques, well we don't actually create the technique's effects like that, but our movements make you feel like you can see it

Ryōiki- You mean like illusion

Mikata- Well no- actually yes, that's correct, it's an illusion of some sort yet there are a few that actually cause effects like Sound, Earth and Love Breathing

Ryōiki- What does breathing have to do with your illusions

Mikata- Everything, breathing concentrates on your movements, you movement concentrates on your technique, your technique concentrates on your breathing. It's all a full circle as each component is used to create a breathing technique

Ryōiki- I don't understand

Mikata- If you can get my Nichirin blade and meet outside, I'll show you

Ryōiki agrees as he jumps off and runs to find the blade, Mikata hold her side as she walks to the back of the house as she passes a few nurses who try to make her go back, but she refuses

As Mikata stood in the training field as Ryōiki ran up to Mikata holding her katana that was sheathed, he scabbard was shifting from black to purple, as it had a wide shift in those colors

Mikata- Thanks sweetie

She grabs the katana and walks a couple of feet in front of Ryōiki, she grabs her handle, then the scabbard, she places her thumb on the guard pushing the blade out the scabbard, as the blade was pointing out

Mikata- Now, I'll show you the Kage no Kokyū

She pulls her blade out fully as she points it up, she tosses her scabbard towards Ryōiki as he catches

Mikata- Thanks, now watch* she inhales as Ryōiki sees the air inter her mouth * Kage no Kokyū, Ni no Kata: Darkness Falls

Mikata raises her blade and lowers it from left to right, as a black, purple cresent followed her blade as she lowered

Mikata- Kage no Kokyū, Ichi no Kata: Pitch Black

She raises her blade up as a black upward beam of shadows follow her upwards strike

Mikata- Kage no Kokyū, San no Kata: Eclipse

She reverse grips her blade as she spins and a tornado of shadows appeared as she, stops spinning and spins her blade as she attempts to sheath her blade, but forgets that she doesn't have her scabbard

Mikata- Shit I nearly cut myself

Ryōiki- You did

He says as he points to her torso as her kimono was currently red in one spot, she held it as she gives an embarrassed smile

Mikata- This is actually from last night so I didn't cut myself

Ryōiki- If you say so

Mikata- Do you really think I'd cut myself that easily, I'm not am idiot

Ryōiki- Your words not mine mama

Mikata- Why you brat

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