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"Your so clingy, mom." I said kissing her forehead.  "I'm gonna miss my baby". She pouted. "I'll text you and visit on holidays and plus you have Sammie." She nodded. "Bye mom." I said walking to the school dorms. I reach my room. "12". 'Rooming with 2 third years huh. That's nice.' I knock on the door twice. It swings open revealing a guy with orange-ish brown hair and a beard. Also a guy next to him with chocolate colored hair. 'They look nice'. I smiled.

"So your the first year rooming with us. I'm Kusunoki Fumiya and this is Ishashki Jun. Nice to meet you." "YEAH, NICE TO MEET YOU FIRST YEAR" 'I love these guys already'. "Thank you for having me" I nodded with a big smile on my face.

We got inside and I unloaded my things. "So what position do you play" Fumiya-San said. "Well it's Whatever position the coach would want me to play. I can play every position, including pitcher and catcher." I said sitting on the floor with my rubix cube. "SO YOUR A COCKY FIRST YEAR. WHAT'S YOUR NAME." Jun-San said laying in his bed. "Higumi Kaiyo. But you can call me whatever. I'm not too picky." I smiled. "I like you" Fumiya-San said taking a book out.

"So what do you do in your off time" Jun-San said lowering his voice. "I read, solve puzzles, run, eat, and practice." "Ohh. And how much do you eat." I pulled up my shirt showing my abs. "Everything my mom put in front of me. She used to pack me 2 bentos for lunch and a snack. And for breakfast I'd eat stuff like natto, and about 4 bowls of rice. Though she got onto me about eating 4 before school. And for dinner I have American food." I said. "American?" They both asked. "Yeah, my mom is from America, but she's mixed with alot of things."

I said changing into something more comfortable. "That's cool. So like did you ever go." I nodded. "Yeah I used to live there till I was in 6th grade, 3 years after my dad died. It's just me, my mom, and my older sister." I finished getting comfy in bed. "Ahhhhhhh" we heard from downstairs. "What was that" I asked. "That's just room 5 doing their annual thing." I nodded at Fumiya-San's answer. "Hey how old is your sister." Jun-San asked. "17" a muffled 'hmm' came from him. "Well I'm turning out the lights" Fumiya-San said.

The next day was crazy, fun and calming.

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