The start

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Literally just ignore this- I made it in 2020 at 3am about my bestfriend because I was really fucking sleep deprived. Enjoy! -Rasberryz

Once upon a time there lived a bratty princess who got everything she wanted. "Father I want ice cream." "Of course dearie" he replied, and in the next few seconds a bowl of ice cream came right out. As you can tell she was a spoiled brat. Seeing as she usually is spoiled there are somethings that can't be argued about. These things are usually just about the kingdom. Malayka would soon be turning 18 so she would have to rule the castle. Her father wanted her to be happy and have a lover.
Today she had to had to go to the grand ball where she may find her prince.
I don't get love. You can't just see someone and instantly fall in love. No that's not how it works. At least I think? Maybe it's just because I've never fallen in love. I wish I could just fall in love. Why are my thoughts like this. This is why nobody likes me. Maybe that one girl likes me. She's so pretty. Her hair omg. She had the prettiest blue hair that must have been made from the sky. Her eyes I can't even begin to explain. I'll try tho I guess. Wait who am I explaining to? Myself? My fake therapist inside my head that I'm imagining having this conversation with? My parents. Wait I can't like girls father said I couldn't. I like guys yeah. But like I said I've never fallen in love. Anyways I'm going to sneak out and meet her. Did I message her what time? Did they get the letter? Oh no what if I didn- and as if on cue she breaks through the window leaving glass shards everywhere on the floor. "I can have one of the servants clean this up hide in the closet." Marinette hid in the closet quickly without a word. "PAPA" I yelled, "COME CLEAN THIS UP I THREW SOMETHING AT THE WINDOW" He rushed in quickly and started sweeping everything up making sure to leave no pieces. "I'm done darling." I simply shooed him off not wanting to talk to him right now when the love of my life was in the closet. Wait love of my life? Welp I knew it I'm Lesbian.
(To be continued)

Malayka x shrekWhere stories live. Discover now