Marrinette no more?

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AN: sorry for the three year delay guys. Both my parents got covid and stuff lol. I have also been pretty busy with rehersal and therapy so haven't really had time to update. Also my house exploded because I left the oven on while I was making pizza. That was fun. Um I also haven't spoke to my ex bestfriend Malayka because this fanfic tore apart our friendship. Unfortunately, my whole family is dead and I no longer have any friends. I also am currently in the hospital because I got bit by a shark but its okay because this new update of the story is finally out. Enjoy -Ras

Malayka pov:
Marrinette stuck in the closet just like my sexuality. I sigh deflating slightly as I debated opening the doors. I stared the handle up and down as I felt the breeze of the broken window hitting my face. I tugged it open and a array of midnight blue hair come tumbling down towards me. "Marrinette, your so clumsy ...heh. But everyone loves you because your so pretty. I wish I could be like you." I start to cry and hyperventilate. Marrinette lifts her head up slightly and starts speaking softly "your a ugly bitch and no one loves you ...heh." She runs and jumps back out the window she came in and runs away. "MALAYKA ARE YOU READY FOR THE BALL?" My dads voice echos into my room. "SHUT THE FUCK UO DAD, I HATE YOU. GO DROWN." I SHOUTED BACK. However I did start preparing for the ball. I put on a pink dress because I wanted to be like the other girls. Girls love pink ...heh. I was ready in another 5 minutes after throwing my hair into a messy bun. I wasn't like the other girls. Suddenly the clock hit 9. It was time for the ball and sweet melodic sounds of taylor swift played through the ball doors spilling into the hallways. I pulled back the door and I was ready.
Come back for part 3!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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