•|• Egyptian God •|•

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Name: ( Zahur )

Age: ( 490 )

Sexuality: ( Androsexual )

Species: ( God ) (God of Fire, Protection and Luck )

Gender: ( Male )



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( 6'5 )

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( 6'5 )

Nationality: ( Egyptian )

•Background info•

Strengths: ( He is a very social person and has no problem butting into other peoples businesses if he feels it necessary, he also enjoys to hang around and drink wine with others. Zahur is a know it all, he knows about a wide range of topics so he's never bad at making conversation with others but sometimes he just doesn't feel like it or he was just woken up for little to no reason. Whenever there is a war, he goes to help out by protecting the citizens that are near the place the war or battle is taking place, but he hasn't actively participated in a war since Seth *the god of war* is the one that usually takes care of it for him. He appreciates art and the work people go through to make it but he himself is not the best at it. )

Weaknesses: ( Despite being the god of Fire, he is always ice cold unless it is boiling hot outside or he's near a fireplace; though he likes it that way as when he was a human he was never cold and was always hot. He's very unlucky as he gives his luck to the people instead, so they may have luck instead of him. He's very quick to snap at people and has a terrible temper especially if he's just woken up in the morning, but at night he just can't fall asleep for the most part unless his son or his family helps him sleep. Zahur doesn't like the meaning of his name as it seems too pretty for him, so if someone makes fun of it at all he will burn them with little to no remorse, or at least beat them up. )

Personality: ( The god is very free spirited, and no one can tie him down without his permission or if he lets them, that's why he's stayed basically single ever since he became a full fledged god. The only one he listens to is his son or the sun god, everyone else he doesn't even bother to please them.. openly at least, he likes to please others and get compliments from it, and even sometimes physical affection like hugging but that's only if he trusts you, he has no worries if he slaps your hand if you try to touch them unless he likes you. He adores the humans as he remembers the life he had in the human realm and how different it is from his current life. Zahur is a blunt individual and has no problem telling others what's on his mind, he can either talk a lot at any given time for no reason or he can be as quiet as a mouse, there's really no in between. )


Birthday: ( February 21 )

Zodiac: ( Pisces )

Likes: ( The cold, sweaters, blankets, alcohol, Asim, humans, human food and culture, traveling, grass, nature, music, books, trying new things )

Dislikes: ( his child's mother, the other gods, hot days, hot drinks, not working, his son being too far away from him, being alone in a room with someone, verbal fights, death, tomatoes, unloyal people )

( His son Asim, 3 )

Where the rp takes place: ( Ancient Egypt )

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Where the rp takes place: ( Ancient Egypt )

Tw: rápe
Backstory: ( He grew up as a demigod when one of the gods had an affair without telling their spouse, he was dumped in Egypt to fend for himself which he didn't mind all that much until he didn't know how to control his powers. So, later on during a large war he leant a hand when mythical beasts got released by the goddess of destruction, and won the war for them single handedly; he was granted the ability to become a god which he did. Years later a human woman that had snuck into the palace drugged him and râped him, she tied him up and later gave birth to his son, when Osiris who was letting Zahur live with them heard about this he took her life; and even offered to take child to the underworld so he wasn't reminded of it, but Zahur decided to raise the kid as he felt he didn't do anything wrong. Though when some other gods learned of what happened they laughed and ridiculed him for being 'weak', when he didn't even realize the human had snuck in and drugged his drink she offered. )


Scenario 1: ( make your own, let's talk about it! )

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