00.| where it all went downhill.

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all it took was a pretty face and a pretty smile for you to have the world wrapped around your finger. it was enduring yet pathetic to see what standards it came to those of the world watching your every step, every movement and every breathe.

being america's most adored supermodel seemed like an easy job to most, "all you have to do it stay quiet and look pretty." that's what they all would say. nobody but yourself and those behind close doors knew just how petrifying and draining your job actually was.

when it came to materialistic things like money, clothes, bags... and so on, you would say that yes, those things came fairly easy and having a number of them wasn't a problem. but the underlying truth that nobody knew nor dare spoke of in the industry is that you would give up all of those things just for some human decency. to be treated like a fucking human being.

instead though, you were held upon a pedal stool of broken dreams and plastic crowns. you outshined those around you because it was natural to do so right ? no, in fact you were trained to overcome your opponents. trained day and night, the thought of losing was a disgrace to your family and those surrounding you. that's what you were taught, personal morals didn't exist when it came to this lifestyle.

you felt like a robot programmed to fulfill someone's else's dream rather than your own. however, it wasn't like you were held against your own will if you didn't continue with this journey of modeling. you simply succumbed to your parents wishes due to the fear of being a failure, a disappointment.

the only sliver of praise or approval you received from your caregivers was during your modeling career. good grades, academic achievements, none of that ever got recognition. it was always trophies, ribbons and sashes that would become useless in the future that received the light of day.

you quickly begin to realize at a young age that the feeling of making your parents proud was what you craved. without it the only emotion or intimacy you shared with your family was short lived or rarely even occurred. it was always fake smiles in front of the camera and small hugs here and there in a matter of doubt or regret.

so with the sickening circumstances, you forced yourself to become the beauty queen your parents dreamed to see. somewhere in your mind you meekly held onto the distant possibilities of "what if's."  you constantly told yourself that maybe one day in the future your parents would recognize your dedication and cut you some slack. that maybe they would realize how childish their mistakes were and go on to support what you desired.

but even now, going on the age of twenty one were you hanging onto that dream. your life remained pitiful and melancholy as you dared not open your mouth to refute against your parents commands.

at this point in your life you slowly prepared yourself for giving up your freedom. in a time of denial you convinced yourself that this wouldn't be so bad after all. i mean, you had everything: beauty, brains, wealth and the american dream.

you were a role model to young children in this country, someone they looked up to and aspired to become. what would happen if that person suddenly disappeared, who would they look up to then ? who would they depend on ? 

so with the little fire you had left inside, you changed your goals and dreams for the sake of others. you devoted yourself to become the shoulder for the world and young ones like you, to lean on. if living out your parents and most certainly your mom's fantasies was going to hold you prisoner, then you would strive to make your own dream while still maintaining that perfect image.

finally, a silver lining over the horizon was coming into view. faith was restored within yourself as your job a new meaning to it. though there wasn't much change and you still faltered, things didn't seem so tarnished anymore.

that was up until a few months ago.

crowning night. it was an event that took place after a pageant or competition. it was events like these that you dreaded the most, you would think that after so many guaranteed winnings that you wouldn't need the extra practice, but sadly it was apart of your training.

it was like an ordinary night, the hostess was standing on the stage along with the competitors in the back flashing the brightest and fakest smiles of them all. "i will now announce the runner ups of today's show." it was like clock-work, applaud the runner ups and wait for the crowning of the winner.

nothing would have prepared you for the events following, maybe you were too caught up in keeping your facade up for the audience or you just didn't notice anything out of the ordinary but, the next few minutes would be traumatizing.

"give it up for our champion, miss y/n l/n !" cameras flashed, cheers echoed and the lights gleamed. you bowed to the cowed and waved them off in thanks of their support. reaching the front of the stage you leaned down as the beautiful crown was placed upon your head, the jewels glimmering and casting its glow.

you smiled and prepared to give a speech. in that moment time slowed down, the crowd died down and the stadium became silent. looking amongst the swarm of people you analyzed the many faces awaiting for you to speak. they were all smiling, giving you a look of admiration. warmth spread throughout your body as your lips parted.

but something caught your eye. in the very back of the stadium, almost out of everyone's view stood a tall figure. the figures appearance was barley visible, it was like they were just another shadow that lingered against the tall walls. but the difference between shadows and an actual person is that shadows don't have the ability to hold objects.

so the moment you saw an arm raise a silver pistol towards your direction your blood ran cold. fear was written across your face as your body became frozen in its place. in your head you were shouting for your feet to move, run, do something but it was to late.

screams and gasps were heard all around after the shot was fired. without a chance to escape a fatal outcome, a piercing feeling passed through your shoulder. collapsing to your knees, you cried. thick ropes of mahogany slithered down your smooth skin, your once beautiful white dress was drenched in deaths essence.

overwhelming pain became numbing as minutes began to past. havoc was in the occurrence as people fumbled to escape deaths door. you laid against the cool surface of the stage alone and frightened. were you gonna die at a time like this ? regret filled your thoughts as going down in vain became your biggest worry.

"it can't be ending here, not now... please" you pleaded to yourself. a small of crowd of people surrounded you but their voices were muffled, sounding as if everyone was suddenly underwater. looking up you could make out the blurred vision of your mother and fathers terrified faces. you wanted to reach out them, hug them, tell them that you were alright and you were going to make it out of here alive.

but before you could do so, your breathing became labored. black spots filled your eyes and the world suddenly became a black hole of nothingness, mind going completely unconscious.

- notes -
new story is now out, i'm so excited !!

i've been working very hard on this so i hope the prologue has y'all hooked for future chapters ;)

luv u all, hope you enjoyed- ash <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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