your first day

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I open my eyes slightly, they feel heavy and full of eye boogers. There's a drop of drool coming down from my mouth. I'm not in my bed though, i open my eyes to see the outside. It's not like I'm outside either. My face is pressed up against the glass, i grace my hand over the leather seat.

'The hell?' I think to myself. Sitting up a bit more and stretching. I'm on a bus. An entirely empty bus. I rub my eyelids and look around.

'Right. I'm on my way to my summer job.' I had signed up to be a camp counsellor for this camp called 'Camp Campbell', it was only a summer job. It's not like I wanted to be a camp counsellor for life, of course I could always lie.

I look down at my skirt and mess with it, I dressed up fairly nice for the occasion. Wearing a crop top and a skirt. I sigh. 'i'll probably get called slutty and be fired on the spot.' It's not like I cared about that though, I'm not too fond of kids but I'm pretty sure they're fond of me.

The bus begins to go off the road and onto a dirt path, surrounded by trees. It's a very long path, not long enough for me to take another nap.

I took this as a sign of us almost being here, the camp has got to be in the woods or something right? I grab my bag, its full of just the essentials. I was informed I'd be staying here all summer, which is nice because I won't have to pay bills.

Soon I felt the bus stop moving, the gray haired man at the front of the bus seemed to be talking to someone outside the door. I stand up and make my way over to them. He looks at me, not even saying anything.

I take note of his hook hand and give him an awkward smile before stepping off the bus, where I'm greeted by two people.

One of them being a tall, redheaded man. He's got a few freckles and a nice shape, not too buff but not too skinny. He's wearing the, what I assume is, the camp campbell outfit.

The other girl is reddish brownish haired, shes fairly short and she's not buff, a bit chubby. She's wearing a white T-shirt and pajama pants.

"Hello dear counsellor friend!" The red headed boy exclaims, clasping his hands together and giving a cheery smile. "It's a shame we didn't get more counsellors this year! But hey! One is better than none am I right?!"

I give an awkward nod, he's quite loud and enthusiastic. Almost like he's been waiting all his life for this.

"My name is David, and this is my co-worker, Gwen! Say hi Gwen," he smiles at her.

She's clearly annoyed, rolling her eyes she greets me with a smile "Sorry, just woke up. I dunno how he's so hyper." She states, proceeding to stretch a bit.

"Oh Gwen, you are funny aren't you!" The boy turns to me "Come on in! I'll have you fill out a form and we'll give you a tour, show you your room and then your first day is tomorrow! That's when you'll meet all the cute little campers!"

I nod, afraid of saying anything that might get me
Accidentally fired. I didn't really expect a lot of commotion today, but I guess this is just gonna be a chaotic summer.

I follow the two counsellors into a mess hall, it's fairly clean but I doubt it'll stay that way when the campers arrive. Theres a man sitting in what looks like a lawn chair and he's watching television in the corner of the room.

"That's Mr.Campbell! The founder of this place!" David exclaims. "Anywho, here's the form we're gonna have you fill out, then you're practically all set!"

I walk over to the seat in which the paper is laid in front of and I take the pen. The questions were fairly simple, it just asked for my name, pronouns, sexuality, gender, and why I think I'm fit for this job.

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