6. To Catch a Changeling

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Kit watched the two boys train with feigned interest, glancing down occasionally at their phone screen. Looking back up, they jumped from their seat on the rock and moved a few feet to the side to avoid the flying lamp.

'Or at least what's left of it,' Kit thought, sending an annoyed glance at Jim, who at least had the decency to apologize.

They pointed a finger at Jim as they sat back down, brushing off the splintering wood. "You know, you're the reason we can't have nice things, Jimmy," Kit scolded. Toby snickered at that but stopped as they turned to him too. "You're not in the clear either, Domzalski!"

Toby cautiously approached the annoyed human, holding out a taco as a peace offering. Kit swiftly took it from him and began to munch, Toby returning to the carnage he and Jim had created.

"What is this mockery?'

Turning around to see their new friend, Kit smiled. "Hey Draal."

"Just working on some sword fighting skills!" Jim exclaimed proudly, swinging the sword over his shoulder. Kit rolled their eyes.

"They're making a mess out of the backyard is what they're doing," they deadpanned, Toby letting out an offended noise.

Draal sighed. "The Sword of Daylight is not a toy to be played with," he lectured. "It is a hallowed obligation, one of which I have spent my life training to be worthy of." Kit glanced up at the troll next to them and set one hand on his large shoulder.

"You wanna take it for a spin?" Jim asked, spinning the sword so the hilt then faced Draal. Draal took a step back in shock, then stepped forward to grasp the hilt.

Pointing the sword's tip to the stars, Kit watched Draal's face morph from shock into pride. A smile made its way onto their face as they watched the troll revel in the unspoken power it gave him.

The look quickly vanished when the sword disappeared from his grasp, dematerializing into sparks of light. Draal furrowed his brow in confusion, turning to Jim and seeing the sword appearing in his hand once again.

"Sorry... I forgot," Jim apologized, his gaze flickering to the ground.

Draal closed his eyes with a sigh before opening them again. "If my destiny is not to hold the sword..." he trailed off. "Perhaps it is to teach you how to properly wield it."

The blue troll then picked up the previously discarded lamp, ripping off the shade and bulb. He then began to swing it as though it were a sword of his own - weaving from one side to the other, aiming for the Trollhunter before stopping mere inches from Jim's face.

Draal then stood straight, smirking. "Your blade is but an extension of your body, and your body an extension of your eyes," he stated, facing Jim head on. "Mimic my movements, Trollhunter."

Kit's jaw dropped in awe, their eyes watching every move the two fighters made as their actions turned from practice into sparring. As the night drew on, it became more clear how much of his life training Draal had spent. 

'He's practically dancing,' they thought, eyeing the scene with a newfound curiosity. The so-called battle eventually grew to a standstill when Draal had pinned Jim - one hand on the boy and one holding down his sword.

Jim groaned. "Okay, that kinda hurts."

"A fight is never predictable, Trollhunter," Draal explained. "You must expect the unexpected and learn to embody the armor. Force it to do what you want."

Closing his eyes, Jim concentrated on his sword, opening his other hand. His amulet began to glow, the flickering light then moving from his right hand to his left. Jim then moved the sword to hit Draal ever so slightly, not wanting to hurt him. Draal let out a loud chuckle as he stepped back, his joy spreading over the others present. Kit felt their face heat up slightly as they laughed along.

Song of the Vikings - Draal x OCWhere stories live. Discover now