Chapter 1: The engines and the cow

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Edward was getting old. His bearings were worn, and he clanked as he puffed along. He was taking empty cattle cars to a market town. The sun shone, birds sang, but Edward was heading for trouble.

EDWARD: Come on! Come on!

He puffed.

CARS: Oh! Oh!

Screamed the cars. Edward puffed and clanked, the cars rattled and screamed. Some cows were grazing near by. They were not used to trains. The noise and smoke disturbed them. As Edward clanked by, they broke through the fence and ran across the line. A coupling was broken and some cars were left behind.

(Cows bleating)

Edward felt a jerk, but didn't take much notice. He was used to cattle cars.

EDWARD: (Thought) Bother those cars! Why can't they come quietly?

He was at the next station before either he or his driver realized what had happened. When Gordon, James and Henry heard about the accident, they laughed and boasted.

GORDON: Fancy, allowing cows to break your train! They wouldn't dare do that to us. We'd show them!

Old Toby was cross.

TOBY: You couldn't help it, Edward. They've never met cows. I have, and I know the trouble they are.

EDWARD: I agree.

(Edward's whistle toots and puffs away)

Some days later, Gordon rushed through Edward's Station.

GORDON: Boop, Boop! Mind the cows! Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!

Puffed Gordon.

COACHES: Don't make such a fuss! Don't make such a fuss!

Grumbled his coaches. A long stretch of line lay ahead. In the distance was a bridge. It seemed to Gordon that there was something on the bridge. His driver thought so too.

GORDON'S DRIVER: Whoa, Gordon!

He said, and shut off steam.

GORDON: Pooh! It's only a cow! Shoo! Shoo!

He moved slowly on to the bridge, but the cow wouldn't "Shoo"! She had lost her calf, and felt lonely.

COW: Moo!

She said sadly. Everyone tried to send her away, but she wouldn't go. Henry arrived.

HENRY: What's this? A cow? I'll soon settle her. Be off! Be off!

COW: Moo!

Henry backed away nervously.

HENRY: I-I don't want to hurt her.

At the next station, Henry's Conductor told them about the cow, and warned the signalman that the line was blocked.

PORTER: That must be Bluebell.

Said a porter.

PORTER: Her calf is here, looking for her mother. Percy will take her along.

(Percy's whistle toots)

At the bridge, Bluebell was very pleased to her calf again, and the porter led them away.

(Cows bleating)

HNERY: Not a word.

GORDON: Keep it secret.

Whispered Gordon and Henry to each other. They felt rather silly, but the story soon spread. That night, all the engines were snickering quietly to each other; they had heard the story from Percy, and were trying not to laugh in front of Gordon and Henry.

(Crickets chirping; owl hoots)

EDWARD Well, well, well!

Chuckled Edward.

EDWARD: Two big engines afraid of a cow.

GORDON: Afraid? Rubbish!

Said Gordon, who was next to an equally cross Henry.

GORDON: We didn't want the poor thing to hurt herself by running up against us. We stopped so as not to excite her. You see what I mean, my dear Edward?

EDWARD: Yes, Gordon.

Said Edward. Gordon felt somehow that Edward "saw" only too well.

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