Chapter 3

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Gon was taken aback at the alarmed tone in Killua's voice. "well you see uhh" shit, how to I say this without making him worry? "he got them from a fight with a villain" Denki responded. Gon gasped as Killua's bloodlust spiked. "ILL FUCKING KILL WHO DID THAT TO YOU, WHATS THEIR NAME, WHERE THE FUCK DO THEY LIVE" his hand sharpened into claws and his classmates started to prepare to attack if needed, although he could tell they were terrified. "Killua!" he grabbed his hand, 'accidently' cutting himself. "ouch!" Killua's eyes went wide and his bloodlust turned to intense worry. "I'm so sorry did I hurt you!" he yelped, ripping off part of his sleeve to wrap around his hand. "I'm fine Killu, it was my own power that hurt me."

Killua bit his lip "I'm sorry, I'm a terrible friend getting angry before you explained it" Gon couldn't believe Killua was still thinking this way after two whole years! "hey!" he smacked Killua's forehead. "I've told you to stop thinking like that!" Uraraka gasped and they all looked over at her. "guys its 3:20!" Denki groaned "aw crap" he saw Killua looking confused so Gon decided to clear things up. "well you see we were instructed to find you and capture you so you could be" he made finger quotes in the air, "be steered off of the path of darkness and into the light" Both Killua and Gon started to laugh. "you say that like I'm a-"

Gon spoke over him. "before you say anything else, I'm currently in a school for HEROS. We SAVE people and capture the people who steal and KILL people" he hoped his point got across to Killua. "also they call Nen quirks." he whispered. Killua nodded before putting his hands behind his head. "I'm willing to comply, not because I like school but because I haven't seen my best friend in two fucking years." the other three looked shocked. "but before we go!" Gon sighed. "I hate to ask this of you guys but can you act like I don't know him? It's hard to explain and it brings up sensitive topics" Killua looked at him in surprise. Probably because I'm asking them to lie. "anyways lets go!"

Killua can't believe he agreed to this. He was in a fucking UNIFORM. Going to SCHOOL. But at least it was with Gon. "hey old man, can I choose where I sit?" the teacher glared at him. "Call me Mr. Aizawa, and yes. Also when you go in introduce yourself" he nodded as the old man walked into the classroom. Killua waited for his name to be called before entering through the door, which was ridiculously huge by the way, with his hands behind his head. He stood infront of the class filled with, strange people. One of them was pink, another had six arms. What the hell, people are born like this here? He had gone through a complete rundown of how this place worked yesterday but it was still too much.

"I'm Killua Zoldyck, my quirk is Taser and my hero name is Godspeed, don't know why I need a hero name but there ya go. Any questions?" the Pikachu from last night raised his hand. "yes Pikachu" several of the class chuckled or laughed. "uh its Denki, but uhh" he seemed slightly nervous for some reason. Maybe because he knows half of what I'm capable of. "when we were capturing you I uhh.." he rubbed his head. "I kinda freaked out and hit you with like 500 volts" the class gasped. "but you like, barely flinched, how is that possible?" the entire class was muttering now. "oh uhh.." how the fuck do I explain this without saying I was tortured.

"well I don't know the actual name for my quirk, I kinda made It up but-" he paused grabbing the taser he used for charging himself up. "hey I said no weapons!" the teacher reached for it but Killua put his hands up. "woah woah! Chill out I'm not planning on using it on anyone." the class settled down and he cleared his throat. "as I was saying, I can't output electricity if I don't input electricity." he brought a little electricity into his hand. "now watch this" he activated the taser then brought it to his arm, only feeling a little pain. The class started yelling again. "CHILL THE FUCK OUT AND WATCH MY DEMONSTRATION" be brought forth electricity again, but this time there was more and it crackled louder. They started to make oohs and ahhs. I mean yeah I'm awesome but it's not that impressive jeez.

"so you see when you tried to attack me, you actually charged me. The only reason why it hurt was because I'm not used to so much electricity at once, also I didn't see it coming." the whole class started clapping. "what the fuck?" he muttered under his breath. "hey extra!" Killua turned to see an angry male who's hair and face reminded him of a very angry dog. "hm?" the Pomeranian glared at him. "doesn't it still hurt? Like even my own explosions hurt a bit" he snorted, "sounds like you haven't trained enough angry Pomeranian " the entire room went silent. Wait was it something I said? The guy's bloodlust shot up, but it wasn't scary at all. "what the hell did you just say?" he snarled. 

908 words

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