chapter six

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Gabrielle woke up an hour later, as she heard the door opening. At first she assumed it may be her mother, but she soon heard Archie laugh – which bugged her, since Archie was supposed to be alone. She got out of bed, quickly tying her hair up, before going outside of the room, only to face Norman.
“Oh – hey.” she smiled, arms going around her brother as he rushed to hug her happily. “How are you?” she hummed fondly at him, letting go as she then glanced up at Norman, confused as to why he as there.
“Great! Uncle Jay took me home – we even got an ice cream on the way.” he giggled softly, going to undo his shoes and take off his jacket.
“He did? How nice of him.” she beamed at the kid, before glancing back at her ex-coworker. “How come though?”
“I was just passing by – was heading to the shelter.” he told her, smiling. “Then I saw him and thought I’d give him a ride.”
“Thank you – and the shelter?” she asked surprised.
“Uncle Jay’s getting a dog!!” Archie rushed over and grinned happily. “Can I go with him next time pretty please?” he made puppy eyes.
“Sure I guess – just don’t bring any pet here.” she warned softly, running her hand through his hair. “Go dry them, alright? Don’t want you getting a cold.” she said gently, yet firmly, smiling as he went to do so.
Norman waited for the kid to head to the bathroom, before he looked at Gabrielle. “How come you’re home? You took a day off?” he asked, before reaching out, his hand setting onto her cheek. “Unless the case went wrong? What happened to your cheek?”
“First off we had no cases, and I managed to finish my reports in time – and then nah I just – hit the cupboard.” she muttered softly.
“The cupboard uh?” he raised an eyebrow, steel blue eyes looking into hers as he knew she would not be able to lie straight to his face.
“I argued with my mother.” she gave in, rather easily, trusting him with this. “She was drunk, threw the glass bottle at me.” she sighed.
“Gabi you know what I’m gonna say –” he sighed, frowning deeply. “You can’t go on that way. Neither should Archie. Come to my place, come on.” he stroked her cheek faintly before letting go, crossing his arms
“No, we got this – I got this. She’s gonna stop, and Archie’s fine here.” she ran a hand through her ponytail quietly.
“You’re fucking stubborn you know that.” he muttered, shaking his head. “Next time it happens, I’ll report it, whether you want it or not.” he warned her, firmly, and before she could argue back, he headed to the door. “See you.” he stated and went out, leaving her there, thinking.
For nothing in the world would she give her little brother – ever since she had been able to, she had been the one raising him, and if it was not for him, she would not live with her mother anymore. She would have a quiet apartment to herself, and not this small place she had to share, since her mother was taking pretty much all the money she was earning. And no matter how much Gabrielle hated it, she could not bring herself to forbid her – knowing she was technically, legally able to take Archie away from her. All those sacrifices were made so that her younger brother could have a stable and loving life, as much as he could at least.
That evening, her mother did not come back, until four in the morning, yet this time, Gabrielle did not went up to face her, leaving her do her life. At seven, she got up to get ready and help her brother, before taking him to his elementary school. Walking back to her car, turning around to wave at him, she did not see where she was going, bumping into someone who was holding a letter.
“Shit I’m so sorry –” She apologized quickly, catching her balance, mostly thanks to his arm which was wrapped around her.
“Aspen?” The voice asked surprised. “H-hey – sorry.” he apologized as well.
Gabrielle looked up, recognizing the voice right away. “Reid –?” she blushed as she parted away. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.” she stated, embarrassed.
“Me neither – you’re fine.” he promised, smiling awkwardly, his hands fidgeting with the letter he was holding. He then glanced behind her, at the school. “Babysitting?” he asked curiously, finally able to answer the question that had been bugging him.
“One could say that –” she murmured, biting the inside of her cheek. “I just took my little brother to school.” she added, not wanting him to make wrong assumptions – and wanting to be honest with him.
“Oh – I didn’t know you had siblings.” he told her – somehow reassured to hear she was not a mother.
“Just Archie.” she told him, smiling a little, glancing at the school, seeing all the kids going into the classes.
“How old is he?” he asked curiously over, before looking at the school, trying to find which one could be her brother.
“He is about to turn nine in a few weeks.” she smiled softly. “He is in 5th grade.” she added, clearly proud about him. “He skipped a class.”
“I was in 7th grade at his age.” he said softly, but not as a way to sound superior, genuinely stating facts. “He must be very clever.”
“he really is – not as much as you are obviously.” she laughed softly. “But he is – he works hard.” she murmured, knowing he was doing a lot, despite the tough situation at home. Yet before they could speak more, she heard the bell ring. “It’s eight, we are going to arrive late – let’s post your letter?” she offered, looking at it.
“Oh yes – it’s …” he trailed off, hesitantly. “It’s for my mother.” he told her. She had been honest with him, concerning her brother, and the least he could do was reciprocate and tell her the truth as well.
Gabrielle nodded faintly. “She’s in – Nevada right? That’s where you’re from?” She looked up, as they headed to the post.
“Yes, from Las Vegas actually. And she is there still.” he nodded, placing the letter into the box. “I send her a letter everyday.” he told her.
“That’s sweet – I’m sure she’s waiting for them eagerly.” she smiled fondly at him. She had no idea about this side of him, realizing she barely knew any of her coworkers. It felt nice to speak with someone – and it was so easy to speak with him, just like with Norman.
“She is, all the time.” he stated, his hand going to hold the leather bag. “But the only reason I write is to make up the fact I never visit…” he muttered quietly, his hazel eyes looking down, sadly. He was blaming himself for it, Gabrielle knew that look all too well.
“Why don’t you go? I think Gideon said we all had two weeks off – you could go there?” she said gently, fighting back the will to rub his back to reassure him.
“It’s complicated – I… I’m not sure.” he muttered, running a hand through his hair.
Both were walking over to the facility, none realizing it, as their cars were parked close to the school and post.
She quietly let him go on, in case he wanted to add something, but he did not.
“Maybe someone on the team could come along? I mean it’s near Las Vegas – if anything they could enjoy some time there.” she stated gently.
“I don’t want to bother any of them – they all have something planned.” he shook his head. “And besides they don’t know about it.”
“I – don’t have any plan.” she started slowly – before mentally cursing herself. Why would he even want her to go along, they barely knew one another.
Reid looked over, surprised that she would even suggest it. “You’d do that? I mean I – would not want to ruin the few weeks off we have … It’s so rare already, and you have your brother and family, you must have plans, and things you – you want to be done?” he frowned, but as he looked over, she could tell he was somewhat hopeful to have someone come along, reassured, for whatever reasons he had.
“Actually I really don’t – and I have never been to Vegas so…” she added, honestly not giving a damn about Vegas, but hopefully it would make him feel less of a bother.
He held the door open for her, as they stepped into the facility.
“I – if you don’t mind only.” he told her, smiling awkwardly, before blushing faintly as she smiled gently back at him.
“We can check the plane tickets and all after work if you want?” she offered as they went into the elevator.
He nodded softly. “Alright – and… I’d appreciate if you didn’t tell the others about my mom… There’s more to it.” he admitted, running the bridge of his nose, reassured as Gabrielle nodded gently.
“Of course.” she promised, before stepping out of the elevator to head toward her desk, Reid following behind as he went to his own.
She sat at her desk, thinking of how to tell her brother she was going on a holidays with Reid – she would probably just tell him she was working on another case. She would ask Norman to watch over him for her, she knew she could count on him.
Elle went over to her, as Gabi looked up surprisingly. “Can I do anything for you?” she asked, smiling faintly.
“Morgan and I are going to Jamaica for the weeks off, he has some friend who has a hotel – it’s gonna be fun, wanna come along?” she smiled over.
“That’s nice to ask, but I already have some plans.” she smiled softly, but was very surprised to be invited. “Perhaps next time though, have fun.” she grinned a little – for the first time since she had gone there. Those holidays were really making everyone feel more lighthearted. Even Hotch smiled that day.
She purposely stayed later that day, noticing Reid was doing the same. It would be easier to plan their trip that way, and without having anyone see them. Gideon was the last to leave, telling them not to stay too long, thinking the two youngest were staying to work. Once no one else was there, Reid went up to her, smiling a little.
“Are you still alright with coming along –? I heard Elle offered you to go to Jamaica with her and Morgan, you can go –” he started, really not wanting to bother her.
“No, no I’d gladly come along, I told you.” she swore gently, reaching to grab the chair from the desk next hers, so he could sit down. He did so, and nodded a little.
“It means a lot.” he told her truthfully, smiling over, while sitting down and glancing at the plane hours. “Maybe this flight?” he pointed to the one in the early morning. “So we have time to come here, pick a few stuff and check we have everything before we leave? And it’s easier to meet here.” he stated, hazel orbs glancing over at her.
“I’ll have time to take Archie to school.” she nodded a little, checking to book in the seats. It would be the first real holidays she would ever take since Harvard. “Do you know what hotel we will stay in?” she looked over, as he shook his head.
“We can stay at my mother’s house, she won’t mind.” he promised her, seeing her unsure gaze. “It’s no bother, I promise, there is a guest room.” he added softly.
“Won’t she be bothered? I can get a hotel room, I’m sure she’d like some time with only you.” she offered, already typing to look for one.
“No, really – I… She isn’t staying at the home lately.” he admitted. “She had to go to hospital.” he stated vaguely, and Gabrielle did not ask more about it, not wanting to force him to say secrets or anything he did not want to.
“Fine then.” she nodded gently. “I’m sure it’s gonna get better.” she said softly, as he nodded but without much conviction. “So – this one?” she changed the subject, looking at the flight he had said was the better one.
Reid nodded softly. “Yes, I’d say so.”
Upon agreeing onto that one flight, both headed out of the facility, chatting their way to their cars, obviously focused onto some random psychological profile – their conversation being mostly work-centered.


Words : 2122

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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