Chapter 5 (Will he be okay?! Pt. 2)

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3rd Person POV.
Kirishima exclaimed, his face still a bit red.
"Well, yeah. Once the omega in heat is bred and are confirmed pregnant, they don't experience their heat for their entire pregnancy and sometimes, a few months. After they give birth of course."
Kirishima sat down, not knowing what to do. Knowing that puppies were a huge commitment, but also the fact that it would keep his pup from pain.
"Oh common Kiri!!"
Mina encouraged him,
"Plus I think someone has already made their decision."
Mina said in a singsong voice. Kirishima looked up to see his usually angry dog, excitedly taping his feet against the cold floor with his tail wagging faster then ever. Kiri put his hands over his face with a sight and then a gently smile,
"You better take good care of Deku, you got that Kastuki?"
Katsuki could only happily trot around the room not able to contain his excitement,
"Now Mina, how do I, you know breed them?"
He said with an awkward smile.
"Basically nothing, all you would have to do is find a nice and quiet, secluded room, put some sort of bed or comfy blankets in there and wait for them to do it!"
"That's it?!"
"Yeah!, Honestly, the alphas always lead. So Kastuki will know what to do."
She chuckled as she said,
"Wont you, ya stud muffin."
Kastuki replied by sitting up straight and puffing of his chest, making him look buffer.
The 2 laughed at the expressive dog,
"Alright, common Kastuki. Let's get you 2 home, ok?"
Kiri said as he stuck the leash on Kastuki and picked up the small crate.
"Thanks for all you help Mina!"
Kiri said, hugging his friend and heading towards the door the panicking feeling leaving him.
"Anytime Kiri! And make sure to bring him to me once Deku starts showing symptoms of pregnancy!"
"I will!"
He said, now making his way back to his apartment.
*This will be an interesting night*
Kirishima thought with a blush already on his face, the memory of the time he walked in on their mating session flashing in his head again.
Back at the house.....
Kastuki POV.
As soon as I heard the doctor talk about Deku having pups he felt such of rush a happiness and excitement flow through me, it felt like I could flip a fuckin truck with my bare paws. As soon as we walked into the quiet apartment, Deku's whimpers snapped me out of my trance.
*Has he been whimpering like this, the whole time?! The fucking traffic must've made it hard to hear, even for my ears.*
His whimpers made me sad, they sounded to painful. I wanted, no needed to help him. So as soon as shitty hair opened the cage, and took Deku out I went to help and comfort him. But, as I walked over I could smell it, his scent became thicker the closer I moved to him. I-it's so damn a-addicting, I just want it all the fucking time. I tried to control myself, but what he did next, I couldnt take it anymore. He lifted his head up and luustfully looked at me, tears in his eyes
"A-alpha, h-help m-me."
He whimpered out. I accidentally shifted a bit, the star he was in taking me my surprise. I realized that my hind leg was right  in between his. He started whimpering, I don't know in pain or pleasure. I jumped up and realized, h-he's leaking? I blushed hard as I pried open hind legs and lifted up his tail, causing him to jolt a bit. I looked and saw his sensitive heat, h-he's leaking slick.
*Oh, f-fuck."
I thought, starting to feel aroused at the erotic sight. I smirked, realizing how sensitive he probably was down there.
I couldnt help but take in the scent, now giving me a big hard boner. I've been trying to contain my wants for 2 fuckign months now! I-I, couldn't take it any more! I was now panting beyond imagine and and  I new my member would turn painfully hard, like Deku's if I didn't release soon.
"D-deku, please. Let m-me breed y-you, I want p-pups, I really, really d-do."
I panted out, my voice staggering. I could now feeling his pain, he's been suffering like this all day.
*Please say yes so I can help you.*
I didn't want to do anything he didn't want but, his pain is probably 10x as bad as mine. His face, beet red under his pelt and his eyes were squinted, soft tears trickling down his cheeks and wetting the fur below. His pained whimpers filled the room, when suddenly he whimpered out
"K-k-kachan, I-I-I, I w-want y-you t-to g-give m-me p-pups, p-lease."
And with that, it was all over for me.....
HeHe, Cliffhanger!
But all you horndogs that are reading this know what the next chapter will have. IF your thinking a whole chapters worth of SMUT then you are correct! Hope your enjoying and much as I love writing!

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