Part 1

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POV: You and Ranboo are best friends, but you can't be around the SMP. They have suspected that you too were dating, even though you weren't. They all shipped you too.

You were lying in your bed, taking a nap. Until you go awoken by strange muffled noises.

'Just a little longer-'
'We're the hell are you taking m- is that Y/N's room-'
You heard a vent opening and saw a tall man fall down next to you.
'eXcUsE mE' You giggled
'Ahem- Sorry, Someone pushed me down here-' you saw who the person was, it was the one and only... Ranboo!
'It's alright' You said. Fidgeting with your clothes (YOU WERE WEARING CLOTHES DW-)
'Anyways, I've been meaning to ask you-'
'HE WANTS TO TAKE YOU ON A DATE!' You heard from the vents.
'SAPNAP SHUT UP- Well um... I-I have a spare room in my house if you wanna-'
'I'd love that!' You said, squealing slightly. You gave Ranboo a big hug. He hugged you back and rubbed your back.
'I'll start packing' You said, nodding.
'Ok! I better go!' Ranboo said, with excitement.
Ranboo left after that. To break the silence of you thinking you decided to give a reminder.
'Oh yeah, by the way sapnap, the vents are blocked off so you are technically trapped'
You then heard screaming and Sapnap fell on your bed aswell. 'I have some con-' 'OMG SAPNAP NO-' You said, hitting him. 'Bad sapnap! Now scram!' You shouted. Sapnap left quickly after that.

255 word count :]

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