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"Ah, there she is!" Pansy says as I make my way to the slytherin table for breakfast. Me, Lucas and Pansy had all grown up together so we were all really close. Lucas had a thing for Pansy but I swore not to tell her or anyone. Well mostly everyone.

"The bitch is alive!" Blaise and Draco say with jazz hand gestures.

"Shut up or I will leak your photos too." I say grabbing a piece of toast.

Blaise and Draco develop a panic on their faces as Pansy and Lucas giggle.

Theo comes down and sits right next to me, but everyone can still smell the weed infested in his clothes.

"Dude, again?" Blaise says. "We have class in 10 minutes, now you decide to get stoned?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Zabibi." Theo says, taking the half eaten toast out of my hand and shoving it in his face.

"Hey!" I say smacking the back of his head as he dramatically falls to the floor and whines.

"For bloody sake Dylan it was a fucking piece of toast." He says getting back on the long wooden stool, rubbing his hand on where I smacked him on the head.

"Oh for bloody sake dylan it was a fucking piece of toast." I say mocking him. "Yeah and it was mine." I say while grabbing an apple.

Draco laughs at my actions.

"You can't go to class like this, we've got to take you back to your dorm." Blaise says.

"No, I'm fine it will wear off in a little." Theo says as he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah but the smell won't." I say fanning the air by my nose.

Draco and Blaise come and pick Theo up by his arms as they struggle to walk him out of the great hall and back to his dorm.

"I still can't believe that you still like that bloody idiot." I say looking at Daphne. Lucas chokes on his juice as pansy and me start laughing.

Daphne looks at us and playfully scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Trust me I can't believe it sometimes either but he's good in bed." She says winking at us.

By now, we are all hysterically laughing as Dumbledore comes on with an announcement, making us all maintain ourselves.

Today, we have a new teacher joining us. She walks in the door and the moment I see her, I almost throw up in my mouth. She is dressed in preppy pink from head to toe and the only sound in the entire room is laughing and her high heels clicking on the ground.

"Silence!" Dumbledoor yells as the room becomes quiet again.

She makes her way to her seat as she eyes everyone in the room and looks around with that preppy smirk on her face. Then she eyes Harry Potter and gives him a smile.

I was never really friends with "The Golden Trio." I always found Hermione to be a cocky smart ass but I've never really gotten to know her.

I know Ron and we're friends. I pranked around with his two Twin brothers Fred and George in 2nd year.

And Harry, I've always tried to stay away from because I know that you know who was always trying to Avada Kedavra him.

Also, Draco hates him because he rejected him in first year when he commanded that they'd be friends.

Finally, breakfast was over and we all had to rush to class.

Pansy and Lucas had potions first. As for me and Daphne, we had defense against the dark arts. We were already running late so we rushed to class. As we stumbled into the class, a new teacher awaited us. 

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