chapter four

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Sephtis, shes a goddess and a bad ass fuckin love it

After the first pranks things silenced for a few weeks, the large poster I put up in front of the school and on all the computers backgrounds of a sneezing Aster with help from Morgan and Sephtis, it was game on. But I haven't seen much of Aster and his friends but I was getting antsy.

Spring was slowly turning into winter and it was getting colder. I was walking back to my dorm after class in my black jeans and a long sleeve black turtleneck that barely kept me warm.

I had a new plan for a prank and I wanted to run it by Morgan, I had most of it set up anyway. I wasn't waiting for retaliation from them, I'm in this to win and I have plans for Aster for when I do.

Biting back a grin I put my key in the lock of my dorm room and turn it, opening the door. "Hey Morgan, I have an idea-" I sing and turn on the light.




I snort as I look around and shake my head.

Post it notes are on every surface. The walls, the ceiling, the beds, desks, closets, even the fucking floor. Some have condoms stuck to them, either in the packaging or not with questionable substance in them, some have writing on them or little pictures drawn to look like tits. "This the best you got?" I mumble.

"How the fuck did they get in here?"

I turn around and see Morgan staring around the room and chuckle. "Probably the same way I'll be getting into his."

She looks at me and raises a brow. "What's the plan?"


Morgan and I are hiding around the corner from Aster and Carters dorm room waiting for them to return, it took us almost an entire day to clean up the condoms and post it notes. But we got it done and secured what we needed for my own prank not even a day later. While Aster and his friends were in class Morgan and I snuck into Asters room and got everything ready.

"Where are they, his class got out almost ten minutes ago." Morgan mumbles

"Should be any minute now, don't worry." I whisper. "There he is!" I hunker down and Morgan looks over my shoulder watching as Aster put the key in the lock and opens his door. He goes inside and closes the door, not even a few seconds later a loud squeal can be heard from behind the door. Theres a lot of crashing and banging and finally Asters loud yell.

"What the fuck! Goddammit Verrine!"

I snort and nearly fall backwards from how hard I'm laughing and the door bursts open with the squealing pig hightailing it out of his room.

Not a second later Aster stands in his doo way looking frazzled. He pulls the hair tie out of his hair letting it fall to his shoulders and his eyes lock on mine.

My laugh stops but leaves a smirk behind. "I don't know if I need to remind you, but they don't allow pets here in the dorms."

Aster glares and starts towards me.

"We gotta go." Morgan says and pulls me up.

Aster goes into a sprint and Morgan and I screech, and start to run down the hallway.

"Don't run little demon, I love the hunt!" he yells and easily gets close to us.

"Shit go faster." Morgan shouts and we turn the corner quickly to the stirs, my combat boots weren't made for running, and start running down giggling to ourselves and hit the lobby of the building.

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