323 15 2

December 31,2021

You are the first thing I think about when I up every morning, and the last thing I think about before I go to bed. You're the first person I want to say good morning to, and the last person I want to say good night to. You're the person I love the most but also my very best friend. I'm so grateful that I get to spend this life with you. I'm amazed that after all of this time together, I still find out more and more things about you that makes me fall for you even more and more in love with you. But I failed to keep you here with me and now I had to suffer all the pain alone without you. I will always remember you noona, you will always have a special place in my heart. I love you with all of my heart. Words can't describe how much I love you; I wish I still had the chance to tell you before you got away. You were the one that got away in the end noona. But, I'll move on for you noona. To make you happy. I love you noona, let's meet again in another life. Goodbye.


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I close my notebook and put my pen down.

"Let's do this for noona Sunoo, make her proud and happy" I say to my myself smiling.

"I'll miss you noona, always remember that and that I love you more than you could ever imagine" I say looking at the bracelet that noona got me before she passed.

Sighing and taking my notebook with me as I walk out the door. Walking our favorite place we always went to. The plane field of flowers.

Sitting down of the ground covered with flowers, I look for the small opening in the ground I made.
Looking through the flowers I find it and grin. Opening the small door built in the ground, I look at the notebook one last time.

"We'll meet again in another life noona. I love you to pieces" I say caressing the book and put it inside the compartment in the ground. Standing up dusting my pants off, making my way far away from the field not before looking back one last time. Letting a single warm and salty tear roll down my face. I smile bitterly and walk away.

"You did well Sunoo" a voice ever so quiet said from the sky. "Know that noona loves you too, my sunshine" the voice says as it disappears for good.


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