kibutsuji x female reader

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(i am risking my life writing this.)

y/n was walking in a random alley because she was drunk and walked away from the bar like an idiot. in the darkness, she sees a man in a suit with a white fedora hat. a sexy guy in a dark alley in the middle of the night????? score i guess.

"heyyyy m,nmnnmnmmn whatsss your naaaame???????????" y/n's words are slurred.

"i am kibutsuji." he says.

"urr kinda hottt ahaahhaahhaaha....." she gets closer to him.

kibutsuji seems to be bored by this woman and her actions because she's drunk and annoying. he punches her in the stomach with incredible force, sending her flying backwards. she hit a wall and died immediately on impact.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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