The Beginning Of My Adventure

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It all started with a math problem. It was this- in The Trouble With Tribbles, is Spock's calculation of the number of tribbles correct? (It is) So, to get into the jist of the problem, we watched the episode. And BAM. Just like that, I was hooked. I was destined to be a Trekkie for life. And for you smart-alecks out there, no, I am not a K/S person. If you don't know what that means, you're better of that way.

In any case, I had then devoted part of my life to Star Trek. Don't ask me for my fanfictions. They are truly embarrasing, but accurate to the last detail. Even as a little kid, I knew my stuff. And that love morphed into an obsession. So when I learned that Nimoy had died, I was devestated. So I chose to write this, a piece about Leonard Nimoy, to remember the life of the closest thing to a Vulcan we'll probably ever have.

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