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A/n I don't remember typing this but I saw it and realized how much it sucks to start reading a story and realize that the author hasn't updated in a millennium....I am so sorry


This room is scary... Well, at least no one can get me in here. The room itself is actually really pretty.. Well, what I can see in the dark, at least.

I walk quietly and sit down on the soft bed. So soft... I rest my head on the pillow and take a deep breath. This isn't so bad.

I see something move from the corner of my eye and I jump up.

The shadow darts into the closet and I freak out.

Something's in here!!! What do I do?! I crawl up into the large bed and cover myself with a blanket. I-I'm safe in here... Right?

Something grabs my shoulder and I scream, kicking off the blanket, jumping up and flinging the door open. "HIO! HIO! BWAAAA! TAKE ME HOME!!" I cry, running down the hallway.


Where did Pico go? I thought I just saw him... Did he snatch Oliver?

"Ow!" I shout, bumping into someone. "Oh, hey Yohio. Didn't see you there, sorry."

"It's fine." He shrugs. "Say, you haven't seen Lui have you? He got scared and ran off."

"So did Oliver." I say. Leaning against the wall. "Well, Lui's downstairs, in one of the bedrooms. I told him he could hide in th-"

"Hiooo!!!" Lui bawls, running up and clinging to Yohio for dear life. "Take me home! Take me home! It's scary! Please Hio!!" He's shaking. I wonder what spooked him..?

Yohio hugs the smaller boy. "What scared you?"

"S-Something tried to grab me! Don't let it hurt me, Hio!" Lui sobs into Yohio's shirt.

"What grabbed you?" I interrupt, thinking it was probably Piko or Sam. But Lui was in that room alone, right? I mean, no one could get in. I locked it.

"I don't know..." He whispers. "I just wanna go home..."

"I'll go check it out-"

Lui starts whimpering and I let out a sigh.

"You guys... stay here. If it is Piko, I'll scare the shit out of him for you, okay?"

Lui nods his head and I head back downstairs- to the room Lui was just in.

I hear a noise come from the closed closet door.

"Piko, I told you not to scare Lui. You know how sensitive he is! I bark, opening the door and half expecting someone to jump out at me.

"... Len?" A voice whispers... Wait...

"Oliver? You scared Lui?" I ask, walking in and turning on my phone light.

"Please... Close the door... It's scary with it open.." He whispers shyly.

"Why did you run away?" I ask quietly, sitting down beside the bandaged blonde.

Oliver looks away.

"Look, it's cool now. We'll stay in here if you want." I suggest.

"I...  I asked you to follow me but... when I turned around... you weren't there..."

"Oh, I didn't here you. You kind of just vanished." I say.

"I'm sorry...Len..."He whimpers. Wait... Is he gonna cry?!

"Nonono Ollie! I-it was all my fault! I-I-I was distracted!" I wave my hands frantically. "Come on, let's get out of he-" I reach for the doorknob to open it but it won't turn. "Oh my god..."

"W-what's wrong??" Oliver panics.

"Uhh..." How do I tell him? Should I even tell him? "It's locked."

"We're gonna die!"

I knew it was a bad idea to come to this house! Think, Len, think! My iPod... I turn the device on and the light blinds me.

"What are we gonna do?! They'll never find us!"

I turn the brightness down and tap on my music app.

"Len please answer me!" The terrified blonde calls out.

I play some relaxing music and set the device face down. "Come here."

Oliver hesitates but scoots closer.

I take off my jacket and fold it up, then take off Oliver's coat.

"L-Len..." He fumbles with his words.

I gently push him to the floor, there's not much room but enough to lay down in. I slide my jacket under his head as the melody echoes sweetly. I lay down beside him and use his long coat as a blanket, wrapping my arms around the boy and swaddling him. I read online that this is what you do if someone has a panic attack but I could be wrong... "Panic won't get us out. We'll be just fine, Ollie."

Like a boss.

Oliver rolls over and faces me. "I'm sorry Len... James was right, I really am a crybaby..."

"Hey, no more apologizing, okay? You didn't do anything wro-"

"You two ARE having sex!" Piko shouts, flinging the door open.

Oliver shrikes and I kind of do too. A little.

"Too soon?" Piko laughs awkwardly. "I'll just leave you two here-"

"You knew we were in here?!" Oliver shouts.

"No?" He takes a step back.

Oliver stands up and punches Piko in the face.

"Woo!" Gach leaps out. "Get em! Get em!"

Oliver only hits him once, though. "...IM SO SORRY PIKO I DONT KNOW WHAT CAME OVER ME KYAAAA!"

A smirk crawls across my face.

This is gonna be good.

a/n: I promise I'll update once month at least until the fiction is over. I'm so sorry for taking so long. I've been doing....other things.

Thank you all for staying with me!

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