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A/N: FYI, Deku is always floating like in the cover, just laying down unless I say he's in a different position, so, just so you can imagine it better, I'd like you to know that :)

If you write Kacchan without the first A (Kcchan), it might correct it to kitchen

Enjoy these random pictures that are irrelevant to the story

Sorry for 1 million commas in one sentence :)

It's been around two months and I can touch things better. I can touch big things like buildings easily but smaller things like pebbles are hard. I now am way stronger and have a four-pack! I'm doing some hero training because I needed to improve my strength to impress Kacchan! (He did the OFA (One For All) training, just by himself, so the beach is clean now)

I can also make myself visible to normal people (though I'm still see-through-ish) but not for very long, and I can make myself invisible so Kacchan can't see me following him, not creepily or anything. I tested the invisible thing out by walking next to him to see if he reacted to me. 

If he noticed me... I was prepared! I put on fake tattoos on my arms and face and covered up my freckles before testing things out, I also had grown out my hair and had it in a bun, so I pretended to be someone else. Oh yeah, did I mention that tomorrow is the UA entrance exams? I'm so excited! Kacchan will do great! 

Another thing about Kacchan: he's been a little nicer to everyone, not by much, he still swears and all, but he's a little more forgiving. He hasn't bullied anyone lately- he actually cut ties with Poopy Fingers and that winged dude. 

I float down to Kacchan and sit on his bed, I start stroking his hair and he seems to relax a little.

"C'mon Kacchan, go to sleep, you need your strength for tomorrow.." I say. (Oh yeah, I'm invisible right now)

"D-Deku.?" He asks. Shoot! Am I not invisible? AGAIN!?

"Yeah?" I ask, he looks at me surprised.

"Is it really you?" He asks, I nod.

"But only you can see me... and I have a quirk Kacchan! I call it Wish Granted, I don't know how to use it, but my wishes come true!" I say happily.

Kacchan gets up and sits criss-cross on his bed, I go in the same position on the opposite side of him. He seemed to wipe the shock off his face and smiled ever so slightly as he learned that I'm not gone forever.

"So Deku, did you hear me respond to your second last wish?" He asks. I'm surprised he hasn't forgotten...

"Yeah, I did, it was very sweet," I say, smiling brightly, his face turns a little red from embarrassment.

"Are you okay Kacchan? Do you have a cold? I can... Hack into the UA system and make the exams another day if you need," I say

"You can hack? Since when?" Kacchan asks me, I just laugh lightly

"I always could, I just never did it," I chuckle.

"C-can I hug you?" Kacchan asks, I blush a little and nod, he comes closer and wraps his arms around me, I do the same. I blush more and I see Kacchan's ears red. I don't want to move, I want this moment to last forever..

So we end up sleeping in that position, and it just so happens that Auntie Mitsuki wanted to wake up Kacchan.

"Katsuki, time to get up," She says as she leans against the door frame. I yawn and pat Kacchan, he slightly wakes up.

"Deku...." He mumbles.

"What in the world... Katsuki Bakugo! get up, it's time for the exams you little piece of shit!" She shouts, I realise that she can't see me so Kacchan's just in the position of hugging thin air. I immediately stop being touchable and Kacchan falls on his bed head-first.

A Ghost To Live With ~ BakuDeku ~ Ghost Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now