This side of a manhunt

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Peter had not even reached his breakfast when his phone rang. It was Jones.

"You see what it's about?"

"Jack Franklin. The marshals are pretty upset. I don't know who upset them most, Franklin or that they are ordered to work with us."

Why did Jones call to tell him? He could have waited until he arrived in the office. Peter sighed. It was Saturday.

"Who else is coming in?"



Peter sat down by his breakfast.

"Yeah. Everyone. Except for Hughes who was needed elsewhere."

El left the kitchen also on the phone.

"Yeah, it would be easier, if it wasn't Saturday already," she said, sitting down too. "Thought I can... I can add 30 people to the list."

Peter pointed at the sugar.

"Can you...?" he asked and El lifted the milk. "No, sugar." Jones actually chuckled at the other end. Peter sighed. "Not you, Jones."

El's focus was elsewhere. The milk landed by his seat.

"Yeah, what if we open up the patio?" she asked her client.

"I've already called Diana," Jones continued. "I suppose you want Caffrey on this?"

"Yeah," Peter confirmed.

"I call him them."

"Okay." Peter tried his cereals without sugar. "Yuck," he spat and put the bowl away. It was one of those days. "All right, got it. I'm on my way."

He rose and grabbed his suit jacket.

"Thanks for breakfast, hon. I gotta go."

"Yeah, I gotta go, too," she said ending her call as well. "All right, let's see. What do I have to do? I've got to..." Peter looked at her. She had been gone for so long. She bumped into him when she turned. She saw his stare. "What?"

"This is crazy! Look at us. This is our weekend!"

"Honey, the reception's this afternoon!" she returned, panic in her eyes. "I've got to order tomato basil crostini—"

"Yeah, and I got to catch some bad guys, but we also need a little time for us."

"I know. I'm sorry. Ever since I got back from San Francisco, it's been nonstop."

"Well, you know what? It is gonna end tonight. You and me, a bottle of wine, and a movie. No work, no discussion of work, no excuses. Just us."

And Neal claimed he was incapable of flirting. The only woman he loved looked at him as if he just brought her the moon.

"Wow. Okay. All right." She smiled and kissed him.

"Mmm. Just for that, I might make my patented pot roast," Peter mused.

"Oh. I wonder what you'll make if I keep going." Her arms found their way around him and for a second he did not think he could wait to the afternoon at all. She kissed him again.

"Bye," she mumbled.


She let go of him and hurried to the front door.

"Tonight, date night," he told her. "Don't be late."

"I won't."

White Collar: An unofficial novel - part 8Where stories live. Discover now