When i wake up, i feel really tired. I for some reason wasn't able to sleep much. Maybe it was because i didn't eat much yesterday. I shrug it off, and get dressed into my white clothes. I grab my bag, which includes my cat, my walkie talkie, my bow, and my notebook.

I head out to the outside of Shotas class dorms. And i sit in the grass. I spread out my things onto the grass. My bow, my notebook, and my cat. I grab the walkie talkie and go into the right channel. 

"Ray, Norman, Emma? It's Parker." I say into the walkie. I wait for a bit and repeat it.

"Big sister Parker!" I small voice yells out. I smile, "Hey Lexi! Where is Ray, Norman and Emma?" i ask gently. "Oh! You need big sis Emma? She is busy talking to Big Bro Norman, but Big brother Ray is here! I'll get him for you!" I chuckle and answer, "Thanks Lexi."

I grab my stuff and head into the dorms when i start seeing people flood in. I see katsuki, the boy with popping hands. I run up to him tapping his shoulder. "What the hell do you want extra!" He yells, i flinch but ask silently, "Am i allowed to get food? I haven't eaten in awhile, and its totally okay if i cant! But i was hoping i could?" He looks at me kinda surprised, but that goes away really fast. He huffs and grabs my shoulder leading me towards the kitchen.

"Sit." He says, rather calmly. I sit on a stool and lean my head on the table. By now Prince is in the living area, and the girls are playing with him. He of course, seems to love the attention.

A minete later after i had sat down, i hear a voice come through the radio.

"Parker?" I smile a bit. "Hey Ray~ Im alive! And i found a potential place to stay. How are you guys doing?"

There's silence for a moment. "It's good that you found somewhere to stay. Do you think that where your staying would be willing to take in about 6 kids?" I think and answer, "I think so, but why only six, theres like 30 of us." I can here him sigh. "Ray? What's going on?"

"Well, some of the kids that left a while back, came and ransacked us while we were asleep. And they took some of the kids, leaving about eleven of us."

I stare at the walkie for a moment, "Where are you guys gonna go?" He pauses and then answers tiredly, "Me, Emma, Norman, Gilda, and Don were able to find someplace but only for us, they dont want any of the little kids. So that's why you need to come pick up the littles now. We're leaving in 10. Over and out." He goes into radio silence and i place the walkie on the table.

Katsuki puts a plate of food in front of me and sits next to me, looking through my notebook. I eat a bit quickly and as i do he lands on a page of people. 

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 I smile seeing the pictures

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 I smile seeing the pictures.  "Are these your friends?" He asks. I nod and finish up my food. I stand and go to wash my plate. I look around the area and see that most everyone is in the living room with prince.

I go to katsuki and put my bag with my notebook on the table.

"Here, come with me." I reach out my hand, and he hesitantly takes it. I grab my bow and arrows. And walk out of the dorm building. I run towards a wall that ill be able to climb out of, since i got here the entrance has been locked and with guards.

Once we're out of the school i lead him to the forest which causes him to ask questions. I ignore them and let go of his hand. I ready my bow as we enter the forest. I hear shuffling nearby and someone jumps out yelling, "Big Sister Parker!" I lower my bow, slinging onto my back. I crouch down my arms open and she runs into my arms. She's a small 4 year old, with light brown curly long hair, and bright blue eyes.

"Who is he? Is he a new Brother?" I chuckle and shake my head, "No he is a friend who's gonna help me bring you guys with me okay?" She nods. I stand and she takes my hand leading me and katsuki to the camp, which is being cleaned up. I see Ray and i let go of Lexi, running over to him. I hug him and he hugs me. "Hey Bug. I knew you'd come here." I laugh at the nickname he's been using on me since they rescued my house. And since he realized that we were related.

Katsuki comes up behind me. "So they're all related to you?" I shake my head, "No we just call each other that because we are family, just not by blood, well except this guy. Ray meet Katsuki, katsuki meet Ray my biological brother." When i stand next to Ray the only difference people can make is our eyes. I have multicolored eyes while he doesnt. His eyes are dark green and mine are brown and purple.

"Cool so what are we doing here?" I look around seeing everyone cleaning up. "Ray and a few other found a place to stay until they can get a place of their own, but the downside is that they cant take the littles. So I'm here to bring them with me." His eyes widen, "Whoa is Aizawa letting you?" I shrug, "I mean i did ask him if i could bring about 30 kids, and he did seem to be okay, so 6 kids should be perfect." I see Lexi bring Kai, who is crying, over to me. I bend down and he runs to me. 

"I thought you were leaving us forever!" He cry's out. I give small smile, "Don't worry Kai, your all coming with me and i wont be leaving again okay?" He nods into my shoulder and i stand up, carrying him in my arms. He is one of the youngest, at 2 years old. He has pink hair with blue eyes.

"Katsuki can you help me with getting their things? They dont have much it should only be about two bags that have all of their things. I'll grab the children." He nods and goes to the kids.

I set Kai down and go to where Don, Gilda, Emma, Norman, and Ray are. 

"Hey." They look to me and give me a group hug. I laugh, holding back tears. Gilda notices and says to me, "Hey its okay, you dont have to hold back." When she says that, tears fall from eyes. We separate and don gives me hug himself. "Dont worry Parker! We will see each other again! I promise!" I chuckle and hug Gilda. She gives me a sad smile and puts something in my pocket, whispering, "To remember us by." We separate and Emma hugs me next. "I'm gonna miss you!" she says as we hug, when we separate, "I'm gonna miss you too. Next i hug Norman, "I guess i was right hmm?" I say to him. He doesn't answer and just hugs me. When we separate i notice that he has a few tears falling from his eyes. "Ill miss you too Norman." He smiles and walks to the others. Lastly its me and Ray, here is where i get a bit more emotional. "I'll really miss you Ray." He nods and hugs me, "Me too bug." We separate and they grab their very few bags they wave and i wave back. And they walk off.

 I turn and start gather the children. Katsuki already had the bags on his back. "Quinn, Pearl! Come over here and hold hands with katsuki okay? He's gonna keep you safe." They both nod and go to him. He cautiously holds their hands. I get Lexi onto my back, carrying Kai in a pouch on my stomach 

I grab the other two kids, Willow and Max, by their hands and we walk back to U

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I grab the other two kids, Willow and Max, by their hands and we walk back to U.A.

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