Chapter 3- Kreek...???

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"Hey guys.." TanqR said to his old friends.

"Hey...What's up?" Ashely responded. She noticed that Kreek, who was looking very worried, and some blue haired girl was with TanqR.

"So um...we're gonna need your guy's help..."

"Why's that?" Denis asked him. Funneh walked in front of TanqR and Kreek and said, "The judges are missing.."

Everyone one was in shock and no one said a single words until Ashley asked:
"Hold on..Who are you?"

"ItsFunneh. But you can just call me Funneh" She told her. Ashley and the others said "Hi" and everyone started discussing what they were gonna do. While that was happening, Kreek walked away, with his arms around hinself, to the nearest wall. He felt as if he were going to faint or something. Leaning on the wall, he put his hands on his head. TanqR noticed Kreek was gone from the group, turned around and saw him standing there. He walked up to him and asked, "Hey, you good?"

"Huh..? Oh um head just hurts that's all-"

"Oh umm..alright.." TanqR went back to the others but was also worried for Kreek and to make matters worse..Kreek's headache kept getting worse by the second, and everyone noticed it.

-Kreek's POV-
I dont know what's going on. My head just started hurting out of nowhere...and I keep hearing someone yelling my name for help. Kinda sounds like Sabrina... It just keeps getting worse and the voice just gets louder...

-Back to everyone-

"Kreek are you ok?" Ashley asked. By now everyone was getting worried.

"I-I dont feel too good.." He said as he ended up fainting and falling to the floor. Lucky, TanqR caught him in time

"Kreek? Kreek?!" TanqR yelled as he was trying to shake Kreek to get up.

He was worried and was holding on to Kreek since this had happened before. Funneh was more confused and scared.....

(aYuP! Look who came back! If you guessed my motivation then your correct! Idk whats happening in this story anymore just go along with it mk?)

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