Chapter 15

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Katniss POV

First day in England, today is the first day of school, I talked to Peeta, my parents and everyone else but only through phone we can't Skype because of the hours for example right now is 8am and it's like 2 in the morning in the USA. I'm doing my make up right now and Perrie is in my computer right after in done getting ready my laptop rings
"Who is it?" I ask Perrie who is at my computer
"Poseidon" she says confused that what Finnick called his name on Skype
"answer it" I say and she does
"KITTY- your not Katniss" I hear Finnick say
"Of course I'm not her in her roommate she is getting ready for school" Perrie rolls her eyes I make a signal for her to go get our back packs and I sit in the desk with my computer
"Why are you calling me it 2 I'm the morning" I yell
"Hello to you to Katniss" Finnick rolls his eyes
"Hello why are you calling me?" I answer they should be a sleep
"Well we wanted to talk to you" Annie says
"Oh but why at 2 in the morning" I say
"It's 8 am" Cato says
"In here it's 8 am in there is 2 am you should be asleep" I reason
"Come on Kat that's not fun" Marvel says
"I don't care about fun you gotta go to the studio tomorrow and I gotta go to school" I say
"But Kat-" Clove start
"No don't even start you should be a sleep I will call you guys later" I say "and I'm not mad you should know better"
"Okay mom will go to sleep" Glimmer rolls her eyes
"You better" I warn then Zayn and Ethan come to the door
"Het girl whatcha doing?" Ethan ask yes his gay
"Talking to some people" I answer and point to the computer they sit next to me their eyes widen when they see a screen full of celebrities. Ethan looks like his gonna cry and he can't breathe, he keeps on pointing at the screen the group look confused
"Excuse me" I hold one finger and turn the screen around
"Bro get you shit together" I slap him
"Okay but oh gosh" he says
"Noe if you to are going to fangirl please do it in the corner or somewhere I can't see you" I say the both walk to the corner I turn the computer around
"Sorry" I say
"One question who was that?" Jo says
"Well the one that was calm was Perrie's boyfriend and the fangirl was Ethan" I explain
"Oh Peeta over here was getting jelly" Finnick pokes Peeta who looks annoyed
"Hey there is no need for that his gay" I say
"Of course he is" Peeta says
"Any way go to sleep" I order
"Fine mom take care" everyone says
"Bye" I hang up
"Kat why didn't you tell us you were dating Peeta Mellark" Ethan says
"Dude it was all over the news" I say and take my bag from Perrie
"Starbucks" Perrie says we all nod and go to a coffee before class

We walk to music class as soon as we enter I act like I'm dying
"Kat what wrong?" Zayn asks
"I'm back in hell" I pretend to cry
"Very funny Katniss" someone says behind me who else then Raquel Montez that bitch
"I know it was I don't need you to tell me" I snap
"So tell us Katniss how does it feel to be dating Peeta Mellark if it's true?" She tells me
"Oh sweetie is real" I say
"How much did you pay him or did he agree to date you and your dad will give him the main roll in his movie" she snap that it I go to slap her but Perrie holds me
"She is not worth it" she say I nod and walk away to my seat

😡Oh just wait to we leave class😡
I don't know what to say except go read my other book
💛The Golden Heart💛
I will try to update as much as I can
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