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One thing has to be said; no matter how dangerous or crazy they may be, motorcycles are fun. Especially when there's nobody on the road (what's that all about?) and you can gun it as much as you want. They aren't too hard to steer, either. Just stay balanced and point the handles in the right direction. Yep, I've definitely become a motorcycle fan.

Plus they have great gas mileage. Important in an apocalypse.

Soon enough I spotted a MartWal sign off of the highway. Not my first choice, but I need food. And water. So I pulled off the exit and into the nearly empty parking lot, kicking the stand of the bike down and sliding off. The automatic doors slid open silently, not helping the creepiness of the situation at all. I stepped inside, relishing the coolness of the A/C that was still pumping, despite the lack of people inside.

"Hello?" I called, not expecting a reply. I didn't get one, either. I grabbed a shopping cart, starting for the preserved foods section. The store was crazy; some items completely gone, others entirely untouched. Even though it was hard to see what exactly was gone and what was untouched, since it was utterly trashed. The only noise I could hear was the squeaking of the cart and the steady thumping of my heartbeat echoing in my ears.

I managed to find a good haul of food and one of those Life Straw thingamajigs which was supposed to purify water. I debated for a while, but grabbed flashlights, batteries, a hatchet, rope, and a compass. Just in case I had to go off the grid. Or some zombies showed up. Or I happened to be in a bush plane over the wilderness when the pilot had a heart attack.

Then, the best find yet, still on a shelf even; saddlebags for a motorcycle. I added them to the cart with some degree of happiness, deciding to look around and see what else I might need.

Toiletries came to mind, so I headed that direction. The shelves there were still well stocked; apparently brushing teeth was the last thing on people's minds when told of imminent destruction. Priorities.

But I intended to survive, somehow. With all my teeth, too. And hopefully with my hair looking killer, although that is one thing I was willing to sacrifice. So I added a few of the travel sized prepacked toiletry bags to my cart. Let's see, now... might as well get some hair ties. It's not like my hair will conveniently stay out of my way like in movies after all.

Why are you being so calm about this Brooklyn?

You're probably in shock.

"Thank you, voices in my head." I rolled my eyes, rounding a corner. Screeching to a halt nearly immediately, my eyes locked on another pair-- a girl, about my age, who was frozen in place in front of the ever-so-lovely shark week supplies.

"Um..." I said, self consciously looking at the cart I was pushing, nearly filled with really random supplies. "Hi."

"Hi..." The girl said slowly, wiping something from her face.

"I'm Brooklyn. Rogers." I said quickly.

"Vivian Lopez."



𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now