God's Love is Greater than the Devil's Sins

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Our world that we live in was perfectly and wonderfully made in God's image,

Humans, animals, nature, life itself; God made each of them, they were His calls.

He wants every one of His children to go by the Holy Bible, His rightful passage,

But the Devil of Hell wants to tempt you and see you take the many sinful falls.

Trying to avoid living an unholy lifestyle can be very challenging and difficult,

Having the choice to either live righteously or drown in all our wrongful doing.

With the strength of God and motivation, us people will lead with a good result,

Now it is time to see us people conquer all evil and go forth with faith pursuing.

But people are not perfect, nor do we always follow our God's words and path,

We fall into the Devil's temptations, like a snake feeding on an innocent Dove,

Feeling the repercussions of our wrongdoings, punishments, guilt, and wrath,

God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross to forgive us of our sins with His love.

Forever trust in the Lord Our God, for He will never leave you nor forsake you,

God knows no mistake; God will always help us through and help us to see true.

God's Love is Greater than the Devil's SinsWhere stories live. Discover now