chapter 1

357 9 2

three weeks since the Marina wedding

Monday morning 

today was a knew day at station 19 for everyone, for Maya it was knew because she is married to the women she loves, but today everyone in the team returned to full duty after being investigated and nearly fired for ignoring a direct order from a superior officer, after 2 weeks of a gruelling investigation into her conduct and her management skills Maya bishop returns as a lieutenant and not the captain of station 19, Maya walks in through the reception with all her colleagues plodding in behind all ready to start a knew day at the fire station.

Maya stops at the front desk and she looks to the office, which is know her old office, she remembers the good times and the hard times but then she is brought out of her thoughts when Vic approaches along with the rest of the team apart from Andy.

Vic: so you miss being in there?

Maya: yeah but I accept the punishment for my actions and if I had to make the same decision like last time then I would do the same thing because we saved a patients life.

Ben: so how is Mrs bishop?
Maya: oh she is fine but she is back to work today and so am I.

Vic: hey anyone heard from Andy?

Jack: nope not since the wedding, I offered her a place to stay she declined.

Travis: I wonder how she is after everything?

Maya: she is not coping and she will be late she needed time to clear her head before she came to work.

Dean: hey if she is not staying at her house then were is she staying?

Maya: at the moment currently on my couch but she will be getting her old room back in few weeks, because me and Carina are helping my mum get a place of her own she has finally moved away from my dad.

Everyone: oh.

Maya: look she defended me and us all, but it hit her hard so we need to help and be there for her and keep her away from Sullivan.

ben: why?

Maya: she is emotional and every time she sees him she has an argument with, and no offence at the moment she doesn't need that.

Travis: why what is wrong with Andy?

Maya: I don't know but she is tired and she has headaches and she is not eating properly.

Vic: maybe she is stressed I would be after what her hubby did to us.

Maya: hey lets continue this conversation upstairs in the locker room while we get ready for work.

all the team of station 19 walk up the stairs and to the locker room, everyone gets changed ready for the shift ahead.


locker room 

once they are changed they start talking.

Vic: so Maya why do you think something is wrong with Andy?

Maya: okay i told you she has been tired, complaining of headaches and not eating properly well if she keeps it up she may end up being ill in hospital.

Ben: what if there is a cause for her symptoms and it might not be stress.

Travis: what could be wrong with Andy?

Andy walks into the locker rooms quietly without no one hearing her, she walks i just when Travis asks what could be wrong with her.

Andy: nothing is wrong with me Travis.

Everyone: hey Andy didn't see you there.

Andy: yeah I know you didn't you were to busy talking about the big problems of station 19, and probably blaming me for it.

Maya: no we are blaming the new captain who stabbed us all in the back.

Andy: oh okay well I better get changed and start chores.

Travis: hey have you eaten today if not i can make you some late breakfast.

Andy: no I am fine I will get something later.

Maya: okay well why don't you have a nap once your changed, i know my couch can be uncomfortable, and i know you didn't sleep well.

Andy: fine I will get some sleep once i am changed.

Andy wanders to her locker where she gets changed into her uniform, once she is finished she heads into her bunk but as she is about to close the door, Robert appears in the locker room hoping to get his wife back.

Robert: Andy we need to talk.

Andy: what is there to talk about, you stabbed me and Maya in the back and know you got what you wanted your job back, so know you can leave.

Robert: i did it for you and your family our family, and your fathers legacy.

Andy: no you didn't you did it for you, after what you did you hated being the probie and every time I was in charge you undermined my authority so no you got what you wanted you threw us all under the bus to get back into the captain seat because you never change.

Robert: I have I changed I fell in love with you and i did it to save Maya and your family's jobs.

Travis: really no offence but i thank you for saving my job but you didn't need to since if I was given the opportunity to save a patient by taking them in the fire engine then I would do it again.

Ben: I have a question why did you put yourself forward for being captain, since you where demoted back to a probie, the next captain should have been Andy.

Robert: this station needs stability and a strong leader, and I told the chief that i could do that.

Andy: hey sir this conversation is great but we all have chores to do since  our new boss is strict and a back stabber, so can you go we need to get on.

Robert got the message he walked out of the locker room with his tail between his legs, once he left and went into her bunk and closed the door.

Dean: hey shall we go and be with her?

Maya: no leave her to it, ill come and check on her in about ten minutes.


Andy's bunk

Andy stood against the closed door crying about the argument she just had with her husband, even though she missed being with him and being in his arms since her dad is gone know, as she stood there crying and crying getting herself worked up about the whole Robert situation stressing herself out, Andy starts seeing stars and then her vision became blurry and she became dizzy, Andy pushes herself off the door she stumbles to the bed, she tries to sit down but her body couldn't do it the dizziness got worse, all Andy could feel is her legs feeling like jelly and her falling forward hitting her head on the draws at the side of the bed.

Andy lay on the floor flat on her stomach with blood pooling beneath her head, Andy registers pain in her head but then her whole world goes black.

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