Untitled Part 1

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Authors note I let myself get carried away by the music as I wrote, enjoy! Remember, I own nothing. Just leave a star if you want.

"We have our version of loneliness Yang. demons we are running from."

"That's the thing, Weiss. I was close with Blake; I worried about her when she refused to care for herself in the second semester?" Yang was looking away at the window, her mind thinking about the past.

"You remember how Blake got? she wasn't sleeping, barely ate; she was obsessed with what The White Fang was doing. Blake was relentless; if I hadn't told her to stop, she would've dropped from exhaustion. It's not like Sun knows her well enough to coax her into sleeping!"

Weiss, for the most part, was willing ear feeling the same spike of anger for Blake.

"I told her that I couldn't handle abandonment, and for weeks I was touch and go, in the hospital. Especially when they couldn't find my elbow. You were taken by your dad forcibly; you have a valid reason for not being there. I know you wished me luck before being dragged on the airship."

"Weiss looked quizzical wonder who told her."

"Uncle Qrow and dad both told me that until your father came for you were by both mine and ruby's side in the hospital. Alongside Team J.N.P.R." Her voice sounded grateful, smiling, but then her eyes took that shade red when she was mad.

"Blake ran away like she always does when things get too stressful or strenuous. How am I supposed to be friends with someone who knows what hurts me most and keeps doing it over and over, knowing that it hurts me? If Blake were to return right now, I don't think I could forgive her. And it's not for petty reasons either she knows what she did I could have died but running away was more important to her than whether I lived and died; I was her friend, her teammate. But no matter what I do and did, she could never stay. And I'm sick of it. I don't want to waste more energy on someone who didn't care enough to get me medical attention when I needed it most." Her voice was steely, and as always, she bluntly made it clear how she felt.

"I was knocked out when I was taken to the hospital, but everyone told me she saw my state and left without a word." Not knowing what else to do, Weiss patted Yang's back know that she needing comforting know that Blake was pretty flighty and just couldn't handle confrontation. But she still held out hope that they could mend the fences if they ever saw her again.

Yang and Weiss sat there in silence for a while, both lost in their own thoughts. Yang looked at Weiss and knew what she wanted to do to not think about how things are now.

"Okay, we need to break out for the night. We can't spend the night wallowing." Yang said, her voice taking that tone of being bored.

We are waiting on the huntsmen, Headmaster Lionheart, who promised to go with us to go find the spring maiden. That means we have free reign of the city of Mistal for the time being. Weiss said she was right logically when we said that what we were waiting for.

"I don't want to be stuck in the house for weeks! When we could be out enjoying our time in a new city. Sightseeing, get to know it, who knows when well get downtime like this again?"

"What are you thinking, Yang?"

"Well, I doubt Ruby would want to go clubbing; she hates heels. Her ideal night out would involve getting ice cream and hours on end at a comic store; I can already hear the complaints from her! That there are too many people, and it's super loud." Yang shook her head and smiled, knowing that's exactly what Ruby would say if Yang asked her to come. She played with the back of her head like she always does when she thought everyone else systematically checked them off in her head.

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