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why do ppl make kiyondo a UwU feral yandere bean who is childish and in love with Mondo?? Because in canon, he is literally just Taka possessed by Mondo, practically selfc3st to ship him with either of them.

He is always seen as seggual, which I think is stupid. 

'He loved alter ego!!!' alter ego pretended to be Mondo making Taka/Kiyondo think that Mondo is in the computer, and obviously he would want it!! The guy was trying to cope when everyone else didnt bother to help! (except hiro)

again with alter ego, I believe the way he acted towards hifumi is explainable. hifumi wanted it for... weird reasons. Mainly having few friends. key word: few. he still had some. whilst taka was left with NOBODY after trail 2.

his mind being in such a vulnerable state after the deaths, being rendered catonic, it makes sense for it to be easy to possess him (though I know nothing abt possession)

overall, I just HATE how the fandom represents Kiyondo.

(a rant, brought to you by: my love for kiyondo sm that I try find as much info on him as possible, and try watch things abt him whenever I can)

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