Solving the Murder at Tims

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The dead body had been lying on the floor of her local Tim Hortons store for about thirty minutes when Detective Victoria Brown's team finally showed up. Victoria "Vic" had been drinking coffee and chatting with her best friend when a girl two tables away dropped to the floor and started foaming at the mouth. Vic immediately called her team and made sure that nobody moved or left the store.

Upon arrival, the forensic analysts started to inspect the body and bag all of the evidence, including the cup of Cold Brew that the victim had been drinking when she died. They also swabbed the inside of the victim's mouth to conduct tests that would uncover the cause of death. James, the cute new guy from Vic's station, also came along. He was a detective like Vic. As soon as he got there, James started his interrogations.

By the time Vic and James finished interrogating everybody, they had uncovered the basics about the victim and had gotten detailed accounts of what happened from her friends. The victim's name was Melissa Grace and she was 23 years old. It appeared that she had been targeted.

Melissa's best friend told Victoria and James how Melissa had been drinking her Cold Brew for a while and had just gotten a refill when she started to have trouble breathing. After that, Melissa collapsed to the floor and started foaming at the mouth.

This statement helped Vic and James narrow down the suspect list a lot. The pair combed through all of the witness statements and let everybody go except for the people that Melissa might have run into while getting her refill. Melissa's friends also stayed back in case they could be of more help.

The forensic team sent the evidence back to the lab to be processed and had gotten the results from the swab test. It appeared that Melissa had been the victim of cyanide poisoning.  Vic and James decided to look into Melissa's life to see if anyone from her past might have wanted to harm her. They were combing through her social media when they came across an old picture of Melissa with a man who seemed oddly familiar.

The two looked up and saw the man from the picture standing across the room. Once he realized that he had been caught, he made a run for it, but luckily James was able to catch up to him and apprehend him.

The suspect's name was Mike Asters and he was Melissa's ex-boyfriend. Melissa had dumped him a while back, so this was his way of getting revenge.

While working on the case, Vic had noticed James staring at her several times. She realized that he might have liked her the way that she liked him. So, after successfully closing the case, Vic did something that she had been wanting to do for a while now...

"Hey, would you wanna go out for Cold Brew some time?" she asked James.

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