Chapter One

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It was a warm, sunny day, and I sat out in the pasture watching my chestnut gelding Fjord, Jasper, graze while I did my homework. After a while, I got bored and couldn't resist going for a ride. I was wearing jean shorts, a brown T-shirt and moccasins, but I still grabbed my halter and reigns and put it on him. I was riding completely bareback, my favorite. There was nothing to mount on so I walked Jasper to the water troft, and struggled to climb up on top of my tall horse. Once I was on him, I began to walk, then trot, then canter, then gallop. As I was galloping I put my hands in the air,I felt his short, soft fur brushing against my bare legs, I felt my body moving with him, I felt the wind in my thick brown hair. I smiled. I felt free. All of the sudden I heard a voice calling, "Alison, Alison, lunch is ready!" It was my mom. I slowed down to a trot and went over to the fence and yelled "Ok, I'll be there in a minute!" She smiled and shut the screen Door and walked into the house. I hopped off of Jasper, took off his halter, and gave him a little kiss on his muzzle and said "I wish you knew how much I love you" he nuzzled me and I ran inside. My brother was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, all he ever ate, not caring that he had globs of jelly all over his cheeks. I sat down and ate the grilled cheese my mom prepared for me. As soon as I finished I said "Thanks mom, that was delicious!" She smiled. I walked to my room and layed down on my bed and begun reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. Soon nightfall came and I ran out to the pasture to blanket and feed Jasper. I folded a hay net and put two different kinds of hay in it, then, ran to the grain shed to mix grain. I put four
different supplements in his grain for show season, then put his thin blue blanket on him and ran back inside and went to bed. I was awakened by warm sunlight peaking through my curtans. I pulled on Jeans, a flannel, and my boots and l then went to my vanity and winged out my eyeliner and braided my hair. Then, went out to the kitchen. My mom and brother were sitting in the kitchen eating eggs and potatoes and I sat down. "Good morning, sweetie!" "Good morning!" I said back. I quickly shoved some eggs and potatoes in my mouth, gulped up a cup of Orange juice and walked to the door. "Where are you going?" Asked my brother.
"I'm going on a trail ride." I told him I headed out the door and brushed Jasper and put his thick, soft red bareback pad, and his dark brown bridle with silver details lining it. I mounted Jasper and headed towards the trail. W were soon on the trail. The weather was great, I felt a cool breeze blowing against my face, and the bright sun in my eyes. Jasper and I trotted up hills and jumped over logs. I love him so much. Soon, it started to get dark so I headed home and went to bed.

Unbreakable BondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora