Chapter Three

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It was late and I decided to fall asleep. Before I went to sleep, I grabbed his lead rope, and tied it to a branch. I sat down on a cold rock nearby, and thought 'I have no friends, and my mom and brother were all I had.'
I mine as well just stay here in this forest." I laid down and soon fell asleep. When I wake up, I'll find a shop, a small town, something, anything. I stare at Jasper until I fall asleep. When I woke up, I saw Jasper in the corner of my eye, grazing. I hooked a lead rope to his halter, tied it on both sides to make reins, and used the mounting trick I learned to hop on. I grabbed a chunk of mane by the withers and pulled myself up. I kicked him into a full-blown gallop and rode off until I saw a building and I sign that said "welcome to Santa Margirita" I looked around. I saw a gas station, liquor store, and a post office. It looked like a small, old town. I walked Jasper around the town and saw a store called "Santa Margirita Feedand Tack" I tied Jasper to a post, walked in, and saw a poster... "Missing, Alison Montgomery, 16" with my school picture in the center of it. I didn't want to be found. Luckily, in that picture I had makeup curled hair, and a dress, so I definitely looked different. I walked around in the store and thought. Well I'll need a backpack for one. I peered around corners and finally found a brown backpack with multiple pockets and a water bottle. with the four hundred dollars I managed to save, I bought the backpack, and some horse treats. I was walking past a rack of used western saddles, when a boy about a year older than me looked at me and said, "What brings you here?"
"Well, ummm uhh I umm I'm just visiting" I said nervously.
He smiled. He was attractive. He had cute, brownish blonde hair, green eyes and a perfect smile.. 'No! No time for boys!'I tried to convince myself.
"Is that your horse out there?" He questioned.
"Yep. that would be my horse." I quickly stuttered
"Wow, he's gorgeous. my parents live on a farm with many horses. I love to ride. I have a buckskin gelding named cash, what's your number, we'll have to go riding sometime!" He said excitedly
"Ummm uh well do you have a pen and paper?" I didn't want to be rude but I'd probably bail on the whole riding thing, I didn't need it. I had an iPhone 5c that was in my pocket when I escaped the house. he handed my a pen that had 'Sunridge Stables' written on it. He handed me a paper scrap along with the pen. In my sloppy, uneven writhing I wrote down my number. "By the way, my name is Ash, what's yours?" "Alison" I chuckled. "Well, Alison, would you like to meet up tomorrow and go for a trail ride?"
"Uh huh I'd love to" I croaked. "Great. how about tomorrow at 2:00?"
"Sounds good to me." I quickly said. Ash smiled and walked off and I bought the backpack and treats and hopped on Jasper and went to another shop. I tied Jasper up, then Walked into the small grocery store. I grabbed many canned goods, and dried fruit, water ect.. I shoved it all into the backpack and hopped on Jasper and galloped back into the woods to set up camp.

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