Chapter 1: Dawn of the Living Dead

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It was a nice, chilly morning, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining. You wake up and get out of bed to start the day. After a quick shower and brushing your teeth you head to your desk to start the day. You pop in a disk of the Helloween album "Keeper of the Seven Keys" into the stereo next to your desk, until you get a call on your phone.

Y/n: Smith, why is she calling now? Hello?

Ms. Smith: Hey Y/n, how's your morning?

Y/n: Uh, it's fine. Why do you ask?

Ms. Smith: Well you see I gotta favor to ask.

Y/n: "Uh-huh?" You say in an irritated tone expecting her to ask a ludicrous favor like usual.

Ms. Smith: You're acquainted with the M.O.N Squad, right?

Y/n: Yeah, why?

Ms. Smith: You see I've had to put each squad member in a temporary home due to the apartment they lived in burning down.

Y/n: And what does this have to do with me?

Ms. Smith: Well Dopple, Tio and Manako chose to stay at Darling's home.

Y/n: Who?

Ms. Smith: Don't worry about that, anyway Zombina chose not to.

Y/n: Why does she not like the guy or something?

Ms. Smith: It's just she got annoyed with all the other girls fighting over him.

Y/n: I didn't really take Zombina as the jealous type.

Ms. Smith: Oh no it wasn't jealousy she was just sick of it and chose to leave.

A feeling of relief flowed through your body.

Y/n: Wait so where is she gonna stay?

Ms. Smith: That's where you come in.

You jolt up from your chair

Y/n: Wait what?!

Ms. Smith: Well since you live alone and you two get along quite well, I thought why not and besides it was her choice.

Y/n: R-really?

Your face begins to turn red.

Ms. Smith: Yep and from what I recall you have quite the crush on her.

Your face gets more red.

Y/n: W-what the hell gave you that idea?!

Ms. Smith: No need to be shy, I can tell from the way you look at her.

Y/n: "I- I don't look at her in any way you think I do!" You say in an embarrassed tone.

Ms. Smith: Oh it doesn't matter because she's already on her way.

Y/n: Wait, what?

Ms. Smith: Oh yeah didn't I mention I'm driving her right now.

Your stomach sinks to the floor thinking that Zombina heard your entire conversation.

Y/n: S-seriously?

Ms. Smith: "Of course not." She says while laughing.

You breathe a sigh of relief.

Ms. Smith: But I am going to pick her up right now to take her over to your place.

Y/n: Huh?! But I didn't even sign any papers or even say yes for Christ's sake.

Ms. Smith: Oh don't worry I already did all the boring stuff so you can have a cute dead girl living with you.

You begin to panic for the imminent arrival of your crush.

Ms. Smith: I'm gonna hang up now so you can prepare yourself and your house.

Y/n: H-hang on!

She hangs up the phone.

You start to get dressed and fix your house up a bit. It's not messy but you want to make sure everything looks the outmost presentable for Zombina.

Ms Smith arrives at her place to pick up Zombina with her bags in tow.

Zombina: "About time, I've been waiting for ever." She says as she gets in the car.

Ms. Smith: Sorry for the wait I had to do the paperwork so you can transfer to Y/n's house.

Zombina: "You're telling me you actually did work." She says in a skeptical way.

Ms. Smith: Of course, I'm a respectable member of the Exchange Program.

Zombina: Whatever you say.

Zombina is smarter than to believe that Smith did any work and didn't shirk it off for someone else to do.

After she hung up the phone, you frantically go around the house to make it look presentable. After that you get dressed, nothing to special just faded black jeans and a Black Sabbath t-shirt. And now you await your visitors.

After a while, you finally here a knock on your door and you immediately feel your stomach sink your feet. You approach the door and look through the peep hole and see Ms. Smith and Zombina waiting. You take a deep breath and open the door.

Ms. Smith: Why hello, Y/n.

Zombina: "How's it going there, handsome?" She says in her usual hyperactive tone.

Y/n: "Uh, hey guys." You say rather embarrassed.

Ms. Smith: "I'm really sorry for the wait and I'd love to stay and chat but I'm super busy and gotta leave right now goodbye." She said as she hastily slides out the front door.

And you are left all alone with the dead girl of your dreams. You stand there dumbfounded until you snap yourself back to reality.

Y/n: S-so welcome to my home. I know it ain't much but it's home.

Zombina: Yeah I prefer this place so I don't have to deal with all those annoying idiots gawking over Casanova.

Y/n: I'm guessing that's the guy Ms. Smith told me about.

Zombina: "Yeah he's nice and all but..." She pauses as she looks in your eyes. "I've met nicer" she says sweetly at you.

This obviously makes you blush a bit.

Zombina: Alright so where should I put my stuff?

Y/n: Oh don't worry about that I'll take those.

Zombina: "Aww, what a gentleman" she says in a teasing way.

You then show her to the guest room. The room is about the same size as your bedroom and right across from yours.

Y/n: Welp, here's your room.

Zombina: "Ah, at first I thought we were gonna have to share a bed." She's says in a playful way.

The thought of you two sharing a bed fills your head like a flood leading to you blushing once more.

Zombina: Ahahaha, man you make it to easy to get you all flustered, it's too cute.

Y/n: "Do you wanna get kicked out on the streets?" you say in an irritated tone while still bright red.

She continues to laugh.

Y/n: Just finish unpacking you jerk and when you're done come down for some breakfast.

Zombina: Nice, I've been dying for some grub.

As you close the door your situation catches up to you and you start to get really nervous for the future. But you look forward to it none the less 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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