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Midoriya smiled a bit to himself as he walked into the classroom, glad he had someone to talk to. Konuno Koyawara.

She was a very kind girl and you could depend on her, he thought.

She had a pretty realistic view on her quirk and future too. Aiming to become an artist with her imagination quirk would make things easier for her.

She could draw good, but maybe she ment artist like writing stuff, or thinking of stuff. There were so many different types of artists.

He liked her, he really did. She was an amazing friend.

Ah, he friendzoned her, before she could even confess. Atleast she didn't have to hear it, as she couldn't read minds.

Midoriya finished his science class as he packed his notebooks into his yellow rucksack with a rope tied onto it who didn't move a single inch as he commanded them.

The greenette went to the assembly hall, listening to the voices around him talking about all sorts of things.

This way, Midoriya could learn a few things, like he overheard people talking about Lunch Rush's new dish, or a new student in 2-H, or perhaps even that there would be a new subject added to U.A's classes.

Midoriya knew some of them were just thought up, gossips, but some were real, like in fact the new dish that Midoriya loved.

He stood in the line as he waited for his turn, until he felt someone tug his light grey U.A. uniform vest.

He looked down to meet the blue eyes of his friend;


The orange haired girl looked at him as her heart fluttered at the mention of her name, causing a huge smile to form on her pink cheeks.

"Hello Deku-Senpai!"

"Ah, no need to call me that. We're friends, just call me Deku."

"Okay, Deku-kun!"

Koyawara reminded Midoriya of Uraraka, but more creative and a bit more open, easier to understand.

Uraraka left the school a year ago because her family couldn't pay the school rent anymore, the dorms were too much money to pay for.

Midoriya said he could pay for it, but she declined and decided to just work with her family and maybe use her quirk without anyone noticing it.

Midoriya had laughed at her ‘joke’, not knowing she was serious and had been brought to the police station because of illegal quirk use.

Midoriya was shocked, but happy hearing she was able to get away with a warning and continue her work.

Midoriya just smiled as Koyawara talked about male heroes, but then stopped as her eyes went fully blue again.

She stared at him with her blue eyes that looked like the ocean. If the eyes were bigger, you'd believe you could actually jump in and take a bath in there.

"What are you imagining about, Koyawara-san?"


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