Knight of the Round Table

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(what do you mean I can't make them that servant? they already exist in Fate? they're mentioned in a F/GO event and it's not really them? they're not engaged either? that's lame I didn't spend 2+ hours! of studying in order to make them a pseudo-servant and let it go to waste!!...well this is a fanfic so good thing FATE already plays with timelines)

The Scarlatina family a renowned house known for their medical practices through the use of magic a week ago the head of the family was contacted by the church to partake in the Fifth Holy Grail, a servant would already be summoned for them the original master did not want their current class servant seeing the opportunity to partake in a prestigious event they agreed and sent forth their most promising member, Erina Scarlatina

That is what she was promised when she arrived in Fuyuki city only for said servant to have gone rogue killing the master and leaving her in japan for a prestigious event she could not partake herself

???: unless you manage to summon a servant yourself you cannot partake in the war, Miss Scarlatina.

Erina: I was promised a servant, my family did not send me here to enjoy the culture, priest.

???: yes, but the Caster servant had gone rogue so I repeat myself unless you summon a servant of your own you can't partake.

Erina: sighs" fine what servants haven't been summoned yet?

???: Archer, Saber, Rider, and Assassin...that is if they haven't been summoned without us knowing.

Erina: four servants left...I shall summon Saber.

???: as you should already know the Saber class is the strongest, but you can't simply demand it unless you get a catalyst that is attuned to that specific class and servant.

Erina: well, Kotomine I shall return with the Saber class to pledge my involvement in the war.


Three days that's how long she would have to wait before the artifact her family chose for would arrive

In those three days she's attended the local school just because she was a mage did not mean she could skip on her education it also proved useful in the end as she discovered two family members three if you could consider one them as a "mage" of the original founders of the Holy Grail War tradition the Matous and the Tohsakas she could guarantee that they would be potential threats once she summons her servant

Currently she walked the halls to pass the time until classes started arriving earlier than she wanted when she stumbled into Issei the student council president

Erina: hello, Issei.

Issei: ah, hello Erina aren't you a little early?

Erina: I did not mean to I woke up early and didn't want to go back to sleep, so here I am.

Issei: well at least you won't be late to classes, I'd like to thank you for helping me yesterday with the club finances you know we do have an open spot for treasurer.

Erina: hm, I shall consider it.

???: ugh, your here early.

Erina: good morning to you as well, Tohsaka.

Issei: is everyone coming in early.

Erina: isn't it early for you too Tohsaka I can see the bags under your eyes.

When she first arrived it did not take long for her and Rin to start forming a small rivalry with each other about their academic skills, but in secret it was due to their family houses as Rin derived from the Tohsaka lineage which expertise in gem craft

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