Chapter 11 - Mea Maxima Culpa

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Izzy was laying in her bed. She's shuddering and sweating. It's all withdrawal from her yin fen use. "Izzy, tell me what to do, and I can do it. Whatever you need." Alec looked at his sister.

"I'm okay. I just need to sweat it out." Izzy told him.

Then Alec sat down next to her. "Izzy? Izzy?" He turned Izzy on her back and dabbed her forehead with a damp cloth.

"Stop! It burns!" Izzy sat up. "No one knows, right?"

"No. Nobody." Alec replied to her. "They all think you have the flu."

"Not even Marley?" Izzy asked to her brother.

"I'm sorry, but she does know." Alec sighed.

"Oh." Izzy muttered. Then Alec's phone vibrate. "What is it?"

He looked at his phone. "There was a demon attack. They need me."

Izzy looked at him. "Alec, you need to go."

"No. Izzy, I'm not gonna leave you like this." Alec told her.

"Alec, go." Izzy glanced at him. "I'm gonna be fine. I promise."


The police was investigating the bar. Luke, Clary, Jace, Marley and Alec are there as well. The Shadowhunters have made themselves invisible, only Luke can see them. Then Alec pointed at the sand on the ground. "What's this sand on the floor?" As Marley looked a little green, but they didn't noticed it yet.

Clary looked at Luke. "This looks like a demon attack."

"I've never seen a demon cause this kind of hemorrhaging." Jace comment to them.

"Is there any security footage?" Alec asked, looking at Luke.

"Nothing in the bar. Maybe CCTV caught something outside on the street." Luke replied to him.

Another detective, Olivia "Ollie" Wilson outside saw Luke talking to 'himself'. On that moment Alec told them all. "We should get them back to the Institute."

Luke nodded to him. "Yeah, that's a good idea."

Just then, Ollie went to Luke. "Detective Garroway? Who are you talking to?"

Luke held up his phone. "Just dictating some notes while they're still fresh. Something you should start doing."

"That's a great idea." Ollie pointed at the phone. "They didn't mention it in training, but it makes perfect sense. Is there some special app for that?"

"Uh... Can you pull the car up? I'll meet you out front." Luke replied to her.

"Okay." Ollie nodded as then she went away from him and went outside.

Then Marley breathed out, still a little green. "Finally, I thought that she would never leave." Then she leaned against the table.

"Are you okay?" Clary asked to her friend.

Alec glanced at his girlfriend, noticing now that she doesn't look good. Then Marley replied to Clary. "Yeah, yeah."

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes." Marley snapped at her. Which is wasn't for her as Alec went over to her.

Then Jace looked at Luke. "New partner?"

"She's driving me crazy." Luke replied to him.


Back at the institute, Marley went to the kitchen, to grab some food as Alec had followed her. "Are you alright?" He asked worried.

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