prologue : same soul

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"im just a body that you used to know."

Sometimes I felt as though I was living life in third person. Watching myself and everyone else go about their day, with no way to interact with the world. It is during these times that I feel most at peace with my life, being a shadow.

The only person who didn't treat me like a shadow was Calum. To him, I was quite the opposite, a bright light he felt he had to protect - the exact words he had given me the last time I asked about it. The thought of him putting so much effort into me made guilt flow through me like blood, passing through every vein.

On the outside, we oppose each other. Calum is all smiles and joy, lifting everyone up around him. He's a star soccer player, and very stereotypically, had girls on him all the time. For some reason I can't understand, though, he always passed them up. I had asked, once, why he did this, and he just laughed, saying, "why in the world would I occupy myself with a girl that's not you?"

A snap in front of my face shakes me from my thoughts, and I meet Calum's eyes. "Everything alright?" He asked softly, and I nod quickly, shooting the smallest of smiles at him. He gives me a glance but doesn't say anything else.

The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch, and I sigh, leaning onto Calum as we walk out of the cafeteria to our lockers, which were conveniently placed next to each other and Calum's friend, Luke.

Luke didn't really speak to me much, and of course, I didn't talk to him. So I just grabbed my books, waved goodbye to Calum and Luke, and walked off to my History class, sitting in my seat, which I chose at the beginning of the year.

It was conveniently placed next to Michael Clifford, the loudest kid in the class. Which meant, I never had to deal with the teacher asking me questions.

I push a hand through my hair, sighing a little as I begin to pull my things out. I glance at Michael as he plops down into the seat next to me, pulling my hood over my head. "Hey there, baby," he says, a stupid grin plastered to his face. I roll my eyes and look at him briefly again to emphasize it.

"Oh come on, don't be like that, babe," he says, edging closer to me and rubbing a hand up my arm. Instinctively I flinch, shoving his arm away with my shoulder and glaring.

"Could you kindly fuck off, please?" Those are the first words I say to Michael Clifford, a small grin on my face as he backs off with wide eyes. I twirl my pencil in my hand, becoming invested as class starts.

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