A Constant Visitor

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"Tell us more about it, please." The figures proceeded with the questioning. "Do you have any sort of memory from your time in the mafia—that till this day—plagues your mind?"


The Port Mafia's Accounting Facility, this is where they kept almost everything about this organization, note it down, almost.

You tend to read the files in there for most of the time as your work requires you to. Picking up the files with most dust and reading them until you eventually go back to work. "Can you please look after these files for me a moment? I have to meet up with someone important later on, i apologize for troubling you." She bowed down.

"Its alright Miss Shuu, i've finished my report earlier than usual anyway." You smiled reassuring her. "Already? They found the target so quickly, where did they kill him off?" Curiosity hung in her voice, prompting herself closer.

You felt uneasy towards her question—despite the fact the this is technically the port mafia and killings should be like the most normal thing ever!—there's just a sick horrid sense about her question.

"Just nearby an alleyway, they caught him red handed and killed him at first sight."

"Your reports are so accurate! The Assassins and Executives would have an easier time doing their job now!" You forced a smile on your lips taking her compliment, as she came to pick up her phone which rang violently in her pocket. She seems to be comfortable with the Mafia, you wondered how long it'll take before you stop feeling bad about the killings and start taking pride in your crime— no, achievements.

"Thank you for having me. Have a safe trip." She ended the call then turned to you. "I need to get going now, thanks again dear, i'll leave these files here. See you soon." Quick like how wind leaves to brush past your form she exited the room.

Feeling a heaviness your chest that has built up over the span of you conversation you sighed it out relieving you of some tension. Her fate was that she would no longer be able to roam like how she did, nor travel the hallways as warm air did on the vents. You helped sealed her end.

Miss Shuu Aoi, age 25.

She usually handle the records in here...but 2 weeks ago you were asked to keep your sights on her since some records in the library went missing. After a few days of straight up observing her you saw that she would sneak some records in her bag every Wednesday.

She sure smuggles off some goods but for this situation its not just smuggling, its threatening the mafia, last two weeks ago on Wednesday when she seem to be a lot more in a hurry, i noticed she took more than one record this time, I didn't question why but its evident that,

She sells off information.

"For someone working to betray the mafia she doesn't seem to have the intellectual capabilities to do it discreetly."

"That should conclude for my report." you sigh once more as your inner monologue debates whether or not to pass your report immediately. "Welp, off you go." Snuggly tucked in an envelope, the records of her little 'sell intel, for sale' will be passed. Its just a shame how it has to be her as she is the person keeping the records clean.

"Farewell, Miss Shuu."

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